Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Polychrest Homeopathic Remedies

What is a Polychrest Remedy? Homeopathy has a many frequently used medicines.  Some of the more commonly used are called "Polychrests Remedies".  There is no "standard" list of these Polychrests remedies. Each Homeopathic Practitioner usually makes their own list, depending on the type of cases treated in their practice.  Below are the most commonly used polychrests in homeopathic medicine.
Polychrest Homeopathic Remedies
  • Aconitum Napellus (Acon.)
    A state of fear, anxiety; anguish of mind and body. Physical and mental restlessness. Sudden and great sinking of strength. Complaints and tension caused by exposure to dry, cold weather. Fears the future. Eyes feel dry and hot, as if sand in them. Pain at root of nose. Tingling in cheeks and numbness. Gums hot and inflamed. Tongue coated white. Vomiting, with fear, heat, profuse sweat and increased urination. Bitter taste of everything except water. Intense thirst. Bleeding hemorrhoids. Urine scanty, red, hot, painful. Cough, dry, short, hacking; worse at night and after midnight. Tingling in chest after cough. Tachycardia. Pulse full, hard; tense and bounding. Rheumatic inflammation of joints; worse at night. Anxious dreams. Sleeplessness, with restless and tossing about.
  • Allium Cepa (All-c.)
    Watery and acrid nasal discharge which becomes worse in warm room. Oppressed breathing. Tickling in larynx. Eyes sensitive to light. Burning in nose, mouth, throat, bladder and skin. Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room.
  • Aluminum  (Alum.)
    Very severe constipation, no desire for days. Rectum sore and dry. Dryness of mucous membranes. Left-sided abdominal complaints. Brittle nails. Intolerable itching when getting warm in bed. Legs feel asleep, especially when sitting with legs crossed. Staggers on walking. Heels feel numb.
  • Antimonium Crudum (Ant-c)
    Excessive irritability. Tongue thickly-coated white. Loss of appetite. Menses suppressed from cold bathing. Watery leucorrhea. Various skin diseases. Arthritic pain in fingers.
  • Antimonium Tartaricum (Ant-t.)
    Respiratory problems, rattling of mucus but little expectoration. Thirst for cold water but little and often. Great drowsiness.
  • Apis Mellifica (Apis)
    Edema of skin and mucous membranes. Stinging pains. Intolerance of heat. No thirst. Swelling in throat. Swelling after insect bites. Last drops of urine burn and smart. Inflammation of kidneys.
  • Argentum Nitricum (Arg-n.)
    Patient is always in hurry. Headache from mental exertion. Symptoms of in-coordination. Painful swelling of pit of stomach. Great desire for sweets. Intolerance of heat. Sexual weakness of males. Diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking.
  • Arnica Montana  (Arn.)
    Traumatic injuries. Pain from overuse of an organ. Fetid breath. Violent spasmodic cough. Angina pectoris. Small boils. Thrombosis. Tinnitus.
  • Arsenicum Album (Ars.)
    Influenza with thin, watery and excoriating nasal discharge. Sneezing. Photophobia. Seaside complaints. Restlessness. Food poisoning. Intolerance of smell of food. Jaundice. Anemia. Skin dry, rough, scaly. Psoriasis which is worse in winters. Periodic fever. Typhoid. Thoughts of committing suicide.
  • Baptisia (Bapt.)Septic conditions. Fetid breath. Stool offensive, thin, dark, bloody. Menses too early, too profuse. Sleeplessness and restlessness. Nightmares and frightful dreams.
  • Baryta Carbonica (Bar-c)
    Tonsils and glands around ears painful and swollen. Easy taking of cold. Abdomen hard and tense. Palpitation when lying on left side. Fetid foot sweat.
  • Belladonna  (Bell.)
    Sudden and violent complaints and inflammations. Neuralgic pains which come and go suddenly. No thirst. Redness of affected organs. Skin sore and sensitive. Dysmenorrhea, menses profuse. Eyelids red and swollen. Nose bleeds. Spasmodic hiccough.
  • Berberis Vulgaris (Barb.)
    Kidney and gall bladder stones. Inflammation of kidneys. Bloody urine. Anal fistula. Itching of skin worsened by scratching. Lumbago.
  • Bryonia Alba (Bry.)
    Excessive irritability. Dryness of all mucous membranes. Great thirst for large quantities of water. Constipation. Menses suppressed. Frequent bleeding of nose when menses should appear. Dry cough. Joints red and swollen. All complaints are aggravated by motion.
  • Calcarea Carbonicum (Calc carb.) Apprehension, forgetfulness. Excessive sweat of head. Discharging ears. Easy taking of cold. Head proportionately larger but legs thinner in children. Obesity. Loss of appetite when tired. Umbilical hernia. Gall-stone colic. Menses too early, too profuse and too long. Feet feel cold and damp.
  • Cantharis (Canth.)
    Abdominal complaints which are aggravated by coffee. Inflammation of urinary passages. Constant urge to urinate. Nephritis with bloody urine. Excessive sexual desire in females. Burns and scalds. Irregular pulse, pericarditis.
  • Capsicum (Caps.)
    Desire to be alone. Swelling and pain behind ears. Sore throat of smokers and drinkers. Stomatitis. Fetid odor from mouth. Intense craving for stimulants. Thirsty after stool, with shivering. Bleeding piles, with soreness of anus. Neck of bladder spasmodically contracted. Climacteric disturbances with burning of tip of tongue. Constriction of chest. Dyspnea. Sciatica, worse bending backward.
  • Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v.)
    Lowered vital power. Deficiency of oxygen in the body. Digestion very slow. Hands and feet cold. Epistaxis. Distress even from simplest food. Flatulent colic. Pulse imperceptible. Easy fainting.
  • Causticum (Caust.)
    Chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections. Paralysis of tongue and vocal chords. Unsteadiness of muscles. Involuntary passing of urine specially at night and in the aged.
  • Chamomilla  (Cham.)
    Excessive irritability and impatience specially in children. Violent earache. Diarrhea of children during dentition. Tickling cough. Rheumatic pains.
  • China Officinalis (Chin.)
    General weakness. Aversion to mental or physical exertion. Ringing in ears, Violent dry sneezing. Ill effects of tea. Weakness due to loss of fluids. Painless frothy stools. Slow digestion. Distention of stomach and abdomen after eating. Hiccough. Jaundice.
  • Colocynthis (Coloc.)
    Intense abdominal pain causing the patient to bend over double. Dysentery. Taste very bitter. Contraction of muscles. Stiffness of joints.
  • Drosera Rotundifolia (Dros.)
    Spasmodic, dry, irritating, choking cough (much like whooping-cough) with hoarseness of voice. Nose bleed. Disinclination to speak because talking creates breathing difficulties.
  • Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucal)
    Is a powerful antiseptic. Typhoid. Relapsing fever. Slow digestion. Dysentery. Nephritis. Asthma. High fever.
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum (Fer-ph.)
    Headache better by cold applications. Eyes red, inflamed, with burning sensation. Nose bleeds. Face flushed; cheeks sore and hot. Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Eustachian tubes inflamed. Aversion to meat and milk. Anemia. Stools watery, bloody, undigested. Congestions of lungs. Expectoration of pure blood in pneumonia. Palpitation; pulse rapid. Rheumatic pain in shoulder. Restlessness and sleeplessness.
  • Gelsemium (Gels.)
    Various degrees of motor paralysis. Muscular weakness. Vertigo. Insomnia. Dim-sightedness. Diarrhea from emotional excitement.
  • Graphites (Graph.) 
    Dryness of skin. Nails deformed and brittle. Constipation. Obesity, hot drinks create problems. Offensive breath.
  • Hamamelis Virginica  (Ham)
    Bleeding hemorrhoids. Hemorrhage from any part. Varicose veins. Orchitis.
  • Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum (Hep.)
    Great sensitiveness to all impressions. Tendency to suppuration. Cough when exposed to dry and cold wind. Chronic and recurring urticaria. Deep cracks on hands and feet. Great sensitiveness to dry, cold weather.
  • Ignatia Amara  (Ign.)
    Many of the emotional symptoms including ill effects of grief and worry. Changeable moods. Twitching of facial muscles. Insomnia. Violent yawning. Dry spasmodic cough. Feminine sexual frigidity. Coffee aggravates many problems.
  • Ipecacuanha (Ipecac) (Ip.)
    Nausea and vomiting due to any reason. Hemorrhages where blood is bright red. Diarrhea with grass-green stool. Profuse uterine hemorrhage. Asthma. Bleeding from lungs. Sleep with eyes half open. Suffocating and wheezing cough.
  • Kali Bichromicum (Kali-bi.)
    Thick, ropy secretions. Loss of smell. Stomach ulcer. Left sided sciatica. Quick migration of pains. Cirrhosis of liver.
  • Kali Carbonicum (Kali-C.)
    Sharp and cutting pains. Sensitiveness to weather changes. Dryness and falling out of hair. Sour eructations. Weakness of back. Large hemorrhoids. Pulse weak, rapid and intermittent. Cold weather complaints.
  • Kali Phosphoricum (Kali-p.) 
    Weakness of nervous system. Mental and physical depression. Loss of memory. Humming and buzzing in the ears. Violent dysentery.
  • Kreosotum Ulcerations (Kreos) 
    Cancerous affections. Very painful dentition. Rapid decay of teeth. Hoarseness. Cholera of infants. Senile gangrene. Cracking of soles.
  • Lachesis Mutus (Lach.)
    Climacteric hot flashes. Toothache. Diphtheria. Quinsy and many other complaints related with throat and respiratory system. Neuralgia of coccyx.
  • Ledum Palustre (Led.)
    Rheumatism. Gouty nodosities. Anal fissures. Carbuncles. Complaints which appear from below upwards.
  • Lycopodium (Lyco.)
    Lack of self-confidence. Weakness of memory. Night blindness. Anorexia, small quantities of food create fullness. Distention of abdomen. Cirrhosis. Hernia, Painful hemorrhoids. Sciatica. Impotence. Psoriasis. Hepatitis.
  • Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag-p.)
    Spasmodic pains. Cramps of muscles. Toothache. Flatulent colic. Menstrual colic. Angina pectoris. Spasmodic palpitation.
  • Mercuris Solubilus (Merc.)Discharges are offensive, greenish-yellow.  Ear infections either chronic or acute. Nose has chronic coryza with offensive, greenish discharge. Mouth ulcers or canker sores. Ulcerations. Salivation aggravated at night in sleep. Offensive breath or metallic taste . Throat  inflammation acute or chronic. Pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Swelling of glands.
  • Mercurius Vivus - Mercurius Hydrargyrum (Merc.-v)
    Secondary stage of syphilis. Profuse and burning discharge from eyes. Yellow, bloody discharge from ears. Sneezing in sunshine. Swelling of nasal bones. Spongy and easily bleeding gums. Intense thirst for cold drinks. Paralysis of the aged.
  • Mercurius Sublimatus Corrosivus (Merc. Cor)
    Gonorrhea, Inflammation and soreness of eyes. Red, swollen and painful throat. Bloody dysentery. Sensitiveness of epigastrium.
  • Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur.
    Great weakness. High blood pressure and even low blood pressure. Blinding headache. Violent and fluent coryza specially which begins with sneezing. Numbness of tongue. Tachycardia, pulse intermits on lying down. Falling out of hair.
  • Niticum Acidum (Nit-ac) 
    Putrid breath. Bleeding of gums. Bloody saliva. Hemorrhages from bowels, profuse, bright. Hemorrhoids bleed easily. Diarrhea, slimy and offensive. Stool scanty, dark, offensive. Uterine hemorrhages. Menses early, profuse, like muddy water, with pain in back, hips and thighs. Short breath on going upstairs. Black pores on face.
  • Nux Vomica (Nux-v.)
    Great irritability. Habit of finding faults with others. Headache in sunshine and on waking in the morning. Nose stuffed up at night. Stomach problems are aggravated by eating. Frequent ineffectual urging for stool. Blind hemorrhoids. Dysmenorrhea. Asthma due to digestive disorders. Unrefreshing sleep.
  • Opium Lack of response to various medicines. Vertigo. Fright. Delirium. Paralysis of tongue. Obstinate constipation. Stool round like black balls. Snoring. Great drowsiness. Convulsions. Useful in coma.
  • Phosphoricum Acidum (Ph-ac.)
    Mental debility. Impaired memory. Hair thin out, turn gray early. Blue rings around eyes. Lips dry, cracked. Bleeding gums; retract from teeth. Face pale. Craving juicy things. Thirst for cold milk. Diarrhea, white, watery, involuntary, painless. Frequent urination at night. Emissions at night and at stool. Menses too early and profuse, with pain in liver. Weak feeling in chest from talking. Cramps in upper arms and wrists. Pimples, acne, blood-boils. Falling out of hair.
  • Phosphorus (Phos.)
    Great lowness of spirit. Dread of death when alone. Fatty degenerations. Scurvy. Vertigo of the aged. Dandruff. Falling of hair. Hemorrhages. Cirrhosis of liver. Glaucoma. Epistaxis instead of menses. Vomiting soon after taking water. Hoarseness. Various respiratory problems.
  • Phytolacca Decandra (Phyt.)
    Loss of personal delicacy. Indifference to life. Dark redness of throat with swollen tonsils. Quinsy. Mumps. Cancer and abscess of breast. Urine suppressed with pain in kidney region.
  • Podophyllum (Podo.)
    Profuse, painless, watery, gushing diarrhea. Internal and external piles. Grinding of teeth at night.
  • Pulsatilla Nigra  (Puls.)
    Patient is timid and can be easily discouraged. Moods are changeable and contradictory. Changeable and contradictory symptoms. Mouth is dry but no thirst. Taste of mouth keeps changing. Secretions from eyes, nose and mouth are all thick. Disliking for fat and warm food. Menses delayed, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, intermittent and changeable. Pains in the body keep shifting. Styes. Acne. Measles.
  • Rhus Toxicodendron  (Rhus-t.)
    Extreme restlessness. Thoughts of suicide. Rheumatic pains which are worse at beginning of motion. Drowsiness after eating. Pains due to over-exertion. Pain and stiffness in small of back. Sciatica. Urticaria. Complaints are worse when at rest.
  • Sepia (Sep.) 
    Indifference to friends and relatives. Chronic nasal catarrh. Herpes behind ears. Nausea in morning before eating. Desire for spicy food. Irregular menses with bearing-down sensation. Weakness of back. Hot flashes at menopause.
  • Silicea (Sil.)
    Intolerance of alcoholic stimulants. Tendency to formation of pus. Styes, boils and abscesses. Constipation before and after menses. Extreme coldness of body with desire to remain close to fire. Offensive foot sweat. Crippled nails. Keloid growths. Loss of smell.
  • Sulphur (Sulph.)
    Forgetfulness. Burning and redness of eyes. Burning in palms and soles. Unhealthy skin with tendency to skin diseases. Great acidity. Difficult respiration. Hemorrhoids. Aversion to bathing.
  • Tarentula hispanica (Tarent.)
    Remedy for behavioral problems in children with ADHD. Restlessness, trouble sitting still. Better from rhythmic dancing and music. Very chilly remedy. Yeast infections. Extreme restlessness; must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Restless sleep
  • Thuja Occidentalis (Thuj.)
    Fig-warts. Freckles. Fungus growths. Loss of appetite. Rapid emaciation. Constipation with violent rectal pain. Piles. Gonorrhea. Asthma in children.
  • Veratrum Album (Verat.)
    Extreme coldness, blueness and weakness. Pale face. Painful diarrhea followed by great weakness. Weakness of heart with intermittent action. Cramps in calves.
  • Zincum Metallicum (Zinc.)
    Sensitivity to noise. Lethargy. Headache due to wine. Squinting (of eyes). Cholera of infants. Weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles of limbs. Backache.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Classical Miasmatic Prescribing (S. K. Banerjea)

MTEK is a useful memory aid to arriving at a correct prescription.
M = Miasmatic Totality
T = Totality of Symptoms
E = Essence (should include gestures, postures, behaviours etc)
K = Keynotes (which should encompass PQRS symptoms, refer §153 and §209 of Hahnemann’s Organon)
When the above criteria are considered and the steps below followed, a correct prescription can be made.
Step I Make the miasmatic diagnosis of the case i.e. ascertain the surface miasm.
Step II Assess the Totality of Symptoms + Essence + Keynotes and PQRS (if any) of the case and formulate the indicated remedy.
Step III Ensure that the indicated remedy covers the surface miasm, as diagnosed in Step I (refer Miasmatic Weightage of Medicines, the last section of this book).
Step IV Administer the remedy, which encompasses miasm as well as the Totality of Symptoms.
By such a prescription, which covers the miasmatic dyscrasia of the person, the chances of recurrence are eradicated and the axiom of ‘rapid, gentle and permanent recovery’ (Hahnemann’s Organon §3) is encompassed. In cases of one-sided disease with a scarcity of symptoms, the action of the anti-miasmatic remedy is centrifugal, and by bringing the suppressed symptoms to the surface allows a proper totality to be framed. The miasmatic consideration is therefore of great importance as demonstrated in the following example :
A person is suffering from symptoms of gastric ulcer, which has been confirmed by radiography. As ulceration is syphilitic, the surface miasm is therefore syphilitic also. Let us say that the totality of symptoms (physical, emotional and essence) of the person point towards Kali Bichromicum, an anti-syphilitic remedy. The choice of remedy is therefore simple, as Kali Bich covers both the totality of symptoms and the surface miasm of this gastric ulcer case. Kali Bich will peel away the outer layer and reveal a second layer underneath. This second layer may manifest perhaps through the appearance of warts or moles on the face, an indication of suppressed sycosis and the next assessment of the case should include this new surface totality. Following Kentian ideology we now know that there needs to be a change in the plan of treatment, that is, the previous syphilitic plan needs to change to a current sycotic plan, and a new anti-sycotic medicine needs to be selected based on the presenting totality.
A thorough dissection and incorporation of miasm in each case will help a homoeopathic prescriber in the following ways:
(i) A deep acting anti-miasmatic medicine by virtue of its centrifugal action will open up such cases (brings to the surface the suppressed symptoms) where the totality of symptoms cannot be framed due to a scarcity of symptoms (i.e. one-sided cases), and those cases with conjoint or contaminated pictures due to various physical, emotional or iatrogenic suppressions.
(ii) Also of importance is the value of selecting an anti-miasmatic medicine, which covers the psychic essence, nature and character of the individual in absence of any recognisable totality. For example, a patient presents with insomnia with no distinguishing modalities or other characters to complete the symptom. By ascertaining that person’s psychic essence or character (for instance, suspicious, jealous and exploiting in nature, representing sycosis) we can prescribe an anti-miasmatic medicine to cover the insomnia and open up the case. Thus, the anti-miasmatic medicine covering the essence of the person is capable of surfacing the suppressed symptoms and the totality can then easily be framed.
(iii) To be more confident in prescribing by including the surface miasm of the case in the consideration of the totality; as miasm, the dyscrasia of the person, constitutes a major part of that totality. Miasm and the symptoms are nothing but two sides of the coin, and one cannot be considered whilst ignoring the other. In fact, the totality of symptoms cannot be said to be total until and unless the selected remedy covers the miasm.
(iv) To evaluate the necessity of a change in the plan of treatment, or a change of remedy; when a few symptoms have disappeared after the first remedy has been administered, yet the miasmatic totality shows the preponderance of the same miasm on the surface, as that which was originally covered by the initial remedy. It indicates that the prescriber can stay with that initial remedy, as can be seen from the following example: a patient came with the presenting symptom of facial wart, for which Causticum was prescribed. As this medicine covers the miasm (here in this case, sycosis) as well as the symptom, the wart has fallen off; and the next suppressed layer, perhaps a profuse yellowish leucorrhoea (which was previously suppressed by cauterisation) comes to the surface. This symptom too is a sycotic manifestation, and is also covered by Causticum, then that remedy will totally eradicate the problem. So knowledge of miasm guides us to stay with the remedy and to allow its full and complete action.
(v) To evaluate the homoeopathic prognosis of the case, as removal of layers of suppression are manifested as clarity of symptoms, and also reflected by a quantum jump in the sense of well being. Deep acting anti-miasmatic medicines by virtue of their centrifugal action, will remove the layers of suppression which can be evidenced as follows:
a) A quantum jump in the sense of well being.
b) Improved energy.
c) Increased appetite.
d) Better quality of sleep.
e) Harmony and tranquility of temperament.
f) Stability (in obese people) or weight gain in underweight subjects.
g) Clarity of the existing or presenting symptoms or even lighter symptoms.
h) Suppressed symptoms (even of years ago) reappear on the surface and are permanently eradicated. This reappearance can be in a very transient form, which may not even be visible to the naked eye.
(vi) To fulfill Hahnemann’s three injunctions of cure: rapid, gentle and permanent.
(vii) Anti-miasmatic medicines help to clear up the suppressions (in relation to the past); clear up the presenting symptoms from their root or origin (in relation to the present); and clear up the susceptibility to get infection and thereby strengthening the constitution (in relation to the prophylactic aspect or future).
A concept, theory or principle can be granted as scientific, if it fulfills the following criteria:-
a) It is based on clearly observed data, facts and phenomena.
b) It has been repeatedly confirmed by future observations and experiences under similar conditions.
c) It must give clear and correct guidance in anticipating the future events.
Note : All these conditions of the scientific method are fulfilled by the miasmatic concept and approach.
KEY WORDS AND Criteria :
Miasm – Psora
Key Word- Irritation
Criteria – Lack, Scanty, Absence (correct spelling of absence and criteria)
Either physical or mental. E.g. atrophy, anemia, ataxia, anorexia etc.
Physical / Mental
Physical irritation is characterised by itching. Mental irritation leads to mental turmoil, characterised by anxiety, fear. Therefore any diseased condition characterised by deficiency, scantiness or absence, and all ‘hypo’ conditions reflects Psora. E.g. itching all over the body. E.g. anxiety, alertness, apprehension (especially of impending misfortune), which manifests as fear. Psora has the most fears of all the miasms. Deficient immunity resulting in increased susceptibility to catch infections, i.e. ‘hyper sensitivity’, is a psoric criterion.
Miasm – Sycosis
Keyword – Incoordination
Criteria – Hyper
Either physical or mental
Physical Mental All hypers and excesses are sycotic.
Incoordination in development. Incoordination in the sensorium or comprehension. E.g. hypertrophy, hyperplasia, hypersexuality, excess working (workaholics). Proliferation or excess. E.g. absentmindedness
E.g. tumours, fibroids, warts and any growths. Whilst concentrating on studies, the mind is distracted and wanders off elsewhere.
Miasm – Syphilis
Key words -Destruction and Degeneration
Criteria – ‘dyses’ and irregular
Either physical or mental
Physical/ Mental E.g. dystrophy, dysplasia,
Characterised by structural destruction and degeneration. Characterised by destruction and perversion. Dysphagia.
Irregular manifestations such as
i) Ulceration (where there is cellular destruction and degeneration)
ii) Pus formation (characterised by degenerated cellular debris)
iii) Necrosis (characterised by structural degeneration)
iv) Love for one’s own life is destroyed (suicidal tendencies).
v) Perverted sex and sexual cravings. Irregular peristaltic movement
resulting in dysenteric spasm and stool, or high systolic and low diastolic blood pressure in one individual. Such manifestations reflect irregularity in the circulatory mechanism.
Miasm – Tubercular
Key Word – Dissatisfaction
Criteria – Alternating, periodic, one sided, vague manifestations.
Either physical or mental
Physical /Mental
i) Person craves sugar but it makes him sick and he becomes dissatisfied.
ii) Perverted sexual cravings or excessive masturbation make the person exhausted (this is from the syphilitic component of the miasm), or the person enjoys sex, but exhaustion does not permit so they remain unsatisfied.
iii) Changeable mentality (e.g. wants new clothes, changes occupation, studies, jobs, partners etc. very frequently and is never satisfied).
iv) Vagabond mentality (e.g. likes to travel often, cannot stay in one place). i) Alternation – e.g. constipation alternates with diarrhoea.
v) Periodicity – e.g. headache comes on every seventh day.
vi) One sided diseases – e.g. insomnia, anorexia, migraine, fatigue etc.
vii) Other conditions which present with ill-defined symptoms or too few symptoms.
viii) All allergic manifestations such as food and dust allergies.
ix) All haemorrhages.
x) All recurrent problems.

Nervous, apprehensive, fearful.
Hair: Dry, harsh, dandruff++
Face: Bluish appearance, features of cyanosis.
Lips: Dry
Facial expression: Anxious.
Skin: Dry – Nails: Dry
Dress: Wears light colours
Personality: Affectionate, amiable, caring, cautious, collector, compassionate, conservative, considerate, dutiful (over the top) (Sycosis joins), easy-going, emotional, forsaken, kind, naive, peace-maker, perceptive, private, reserved, sensitive, thoughtful, worrier.
Hobbies: Watching TV, video, films (cinema), reading, games, playing cards.
Occupation: Caregiver, clerical, board nurse, nursery-nurse.
Cunning, exploitative, jealous, suspicious mischievous.
Hair: Fishy smell, alopecia in circular spots.
Face: Yellowish colour, puffy, oedematous. Facial expression: Greedy.
Congenital/acquired overgrowth. Lips: Thickened. Skin: Thickened, fish-scale, vesicular
Nails: Thick, ridged, ribbed, corrugated, convex.
Dress: Wears yellow/bright colours, (ostentatious and fatuous)
Personality: Aggressive, ambitious, arrogant, assertive, bossy, charismatic, enthusiastic, fanatic (if destructive Syphilis joins), (excess due to greed also present), faultfinding, friendly, gregarious, humorous, intense, list maker, manipulative, outgoing (if changeable Tubercular joins), perfectionist, planner, possessive, ritualistic serious, sincere, sociable (Tubercular joins)
Hobbies: Gambling, casinos, bingo, shopping, fast dancing (rock and roll).
Occupation: Accountant, chief executive officer, dictator (successful), doctor (Psora), lawyer, pimp, policeman, politician, receptionist, stockbroker. (Syphilis joins), under-cover agent.
Vindictive, spiteful, dull.
Hair: Falling from all over the body
Face: Reddish appearance, cleft palate. Facial expression: Cruel, brutal.
Allied congenital abnormalities.
Lips: Cracked – Skin: Cracks and fissures, ulcerative.
Nails: Thin, break easily, channeled, pitted, concave (spoon shaped).
Dress: Wears non-matching colours, dark colours, black.
Personality: Abusive, closed, depressed, dogmatic, pessimistic, revengeful, rude. Lack of conception and realization.
Hobbies: Hunting, wrestling, boxing, martial arts, archery, ten-pin bowling, speedway, coarse fishing (sea fishing).
Occupation: Butcher, manual labourer, publican.
Discontented, independent, stubborn, changeable
Hair: Breaks, splits and sticks together
Face: Purple colour, flushed cheeks. Facial expression: Indifferent.
Lips: Bright red, flushing. Skin: Flushing easily, bleeding.
Nails: Glossy, white spots.
Dress: Wears red, purple and pinkish colours.
Personality: Adventurous, artistic, bubbly, changeable, creative, fearless, fun loving, independent, rebellious.
Hobbies: Creative hobbies, cooking, knitting, drawing, acting, traveling, golf, skiing, horse riding, motor racing, music, gardening, lake fishing, swimming.
Occupation: Actor, air hostess, artist, craftsman/artisan, detective, driver, gardener, kindergarten nurse (Psora joins), postman, shopping (likes changes) salesman, teacher.
Courtesy: www.kaisrani.com

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Homeopathic Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas Keynotes - Aconitum Napellus

Keynotes Materia Medica VIVA G. Vithoulkas - Hussain Kaisrani Bahria HOMEOPATHIC Ph: 03002000210  


All ailments acute or chronic are attended by fear of impending death and the feeling that death is imminent or near. Ailments that arise from fright that threatened the life of the person.




FEARS: DEATH (during labor, pregnancy, menses, heart symptoms), predicts the time of death, presentiment of death. OPEN SPACES, NARROW PLACES, TUNNELS, EARTHQUAKE, CROWD, AIRPLANE, heart disease, darkness.

PANIC STATES accompanied by: palpitations, red face, one sided numbness, faintness, restlessness, perspiration, trembling, vertigo, dyspnoea, fear of death.

Calm between panic states.


Acute symptoms arise from EXPOSURE TO DRY COLD AIR or WIND (cough, eye inflammation, coryza, prosopalgia). From becoming cold during perspiration.

During fever the skin is dry and hot, there is intense nervous restlessness and tossing about, chills, with intense thirst for cold water, one cheeck is red and hot and the other pale and cold.
Face bloated and red. Redness alternating with paleness.
Internal coldness felt in vessels.
Gastritis after eating or drinking cold things. 
Affections of heart, congestion, endocarditis, pericarditis. Heart affections with numbness of left upper limb. Hypertrophy with tingling of fingers. Sensation as if the heart would cease.

AGG.: COLD, DRY WEATHER, cold wind.
DES.: cold water, beer, wine.

ACONITUM (Acon.) - Acute
Inflammatory conditions (bronchitis, influenza etc.) resulting from exposure to dry cold wind.
KEYWORDS: chill, thirst, sudden, congestion.
ONSET: sudden onset of the complaints.
APPEARANCE: Redness and congestion of face. The ears may be red and hot. Contracted pupils. One cheek red and the other pale.
FEVER: sudden high fever often preceded by chills. Extremities are warm during fever. Restlessness during fever.
INFLUENZA: Dryness of mouth with thirst, headache with coryza, burning eyes, red face.
EYES: conjunctivitis from cold, from injuries. Burning, aching pain, photophobia, dryness, redness of eyelids, swelling all aggravated by cold.
EARS: painful otitis after being exposed to cold. Redness of ear (external ear, meatus).
RESPIRATORY: barking, dry cough, pneumonia, laryngitis from exposure to cold. Irritation of air passages. Cough with fever. Pneumonia esp. left side, with congestion and tightness of chest, with haemoptysis
Aggravation in cold air, wind, going from warm to cold (or vice versa), at night
THROAT: hoarseness, painful larynx on coughing. Rawness of larynx aggravated when inspiring, in cold air.
THIRST: thirst for cold drinks.
URINARY: suppression of urine. Dysuria. Painful urging to urinate. Painful retention of urine from catching a cold. Retention of urine in newborns.
TEETH: toothache from catching a cold, getting wet, from dental work. Aggravation from drawing in air, in wind, on going to bed, from right to left.
GASTROINTESTINAL: diarrhoea after getting wet. Stool chopped like spinach. Gall stone colic with jaundice, with bitter taste.
MENTAL PICTURE: anxiety about health with restlessness. There may be a fear of dying or even a feeling that death is near, or will come at a certain hour. Ailments from fright.
Aggravation: cold air, draft, perspiration, touch, motion. 

Amelioration: lying on back, sitting, walking, perspiration.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Modern Classical Prescribing – Practical Approach (Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea)


MTEK is an useful memory aid to arriving at a correct prescription.

M = Miasmatic Totality
T = Totality of Symptoms
E = Essence (should include gestures, postures, behaviours etc)
K = Keynotes (which should encompass PQRS symptoms, refer §153 and §209 of Hahnemann’s Organon)

When the above criteria are considered and the steps below followed, a correct prescription can be made.
Step-I: Make the miasmatic diagnosis of the case, i.e. ascertain the surface miasm.
Step-II: Assess the Totality of Symptoms + Essence + Keynotes and PQRS (if any) of the case and formulate the indicated remedy.
Step-III: Ensure that the indicated remedy covers the surface miasm, as diagnosed in Step I.
Step-IV: Administer the remedy, which encompasses the miasm as well as the Totality of Symptoms.
Make the miasmatic diagnosis of the case, i.e. ascertain the surface miasm. This can be done by:
(a) Head to foot assessment of symptoms (please refer to Miasmatic Prescribing by Subrata K. Banerjea)
(b) Through clinical manifestation of disease, e.g. hypo/scanty/less are psora (e.g. hypotension, atrophy, anaemia etc); hypers are sycotic (e.g. hypertension, hypertrophy, hyperplasia etc.); dyses are syphilitic (e.g. dystrophy, dysplasia etc.) and allergies and haemorrhages are tubercular (e.g. hay fever, menorrhagia etc).
(c) Through psychic essence, nature and character of the individual case (e.g. suspicious, jealous and exploiting in nature represents sycosis; destructive and cruel to animals represents syphilis; stubborn, changeable and impatient natures are tubercular etc.)
(d) We can diagnose the miasm from other, different aspects, e.g. reference to hair falling: alopecia with dry lustreless hair and bran-like dandruff is psora; circular or spotty baldness is sycotic; diffused hair falling is syphilitic, and thick yellow crusts in the hair are tubercular; in reference to taste: burnt is psoric; fishy is sycotic; metallic is syphilitic and taste of pus is tubercular; in reference to pulse: bradycardia is psoric; tachycardia is sycotic and irregular pulse is syphilitic; in reference to bowels: constipation is psoric; diarrhoea is sycotic; dysentery is syphilitic and malaena is tubercular; in reference to pains: neuralgic pains are psoric; joint pains are sycotic; bone pains are syphilitic and pains with exhaustion are tubercular.
(e) Diathesis (tendencies/pre-disposition) can also hint at the miasm: eruptive diathesis is psoric; rheumatic-gouty, lithic-uric acid or proliferative diathesis is sycotic; suppurative-ulcerative is syphilitic and haemorrhagic diathesis is tubercular.
(f) Psoric secretions are watery, mucusy, serous; sycotics are purulent, yellowish; sticky, acrid, putrid and offensive are syphilitic and haemorrhagic secretions/discharges are tubercular.
(g) If you ask your patient what his hobbies are: ‘hunting’ reflects syphilitic taint; ‘travelling’ is tubercular, whereas ‘gambling’ is sycotic.
(h) Ask your patient: ‘If you could take a week off and money would be no object, what would you do?’ Mr. Psora is lazy and will do nothing; Mr. Tubercular will go on a round the world trip! Thereby you understand the innate dyscrasia and miasmatic nature of your patient.
(i) Miasmatic diagnosis can be made from nail appearance; e.g. dry harsh nails are psoric; thick, wavy, ribbed, corrugated, convex nails are sycotic; thin, spoon shaped concave nails are syphilitic and glossy and spotted nails are tubercular.
(j) Miasmatic observation of children: nervous, anxious, constipated children are psoric; restless, hyperactive (ADHD), colicky, diarrhoeic children are sycotic; withdrawn, dull, extremely forgetful, convulsive, dysenteric children are syphilitic and allergic, haemorrhagic, stubborn, impatient children are tubercular.
By such a prescription, which covers the miasmatic dyscrasia of the person, the chances of recurrence are eradicated and the axiom of ‘rapid, gentle and permanent recovery’ (Hahnemann’s Organon §3) is encompassed. In cases of one-sided disease with a scarcity of symptoms, the action of the anti-miasmatic remedy is centrifugal, and by bringing the suppressed symptoms to the surface, allows a proper totality to be framed.
The miasmatic consideration is therefore of great importance as demonstrated in the following example:-
A person is suffering from features of gastric ulcer, which has been confirmed by radiography. As ulceration is syphilitic, the surface miasm is therefore syphilitic also. Let us say that the totality of symptoms (physical, emotional and essence) of the person reflects towards Kali Bichromicum, an anti-syphilitic remedy. The choice of remedy is therefore simple, as Kali Bich covers both the totality of symptoms and the surface miasm of this gastric ulcer case. Kali Bich will peel away the outer layer and reveal a second layer underneath. This second layer may perhaps manifest through the appearance of warts or moles on the face, an indication of suppressed sycosis and the next assessment of the case should include this new surface totality. Following Kentian ideology we now know that there needs to be a change in the plan of treatment, that is, the previous syphilitic plan needs to change to a current sycotic plan, and a new anti-sycotic medicine needs to be selected based on the presenting totality.
Step II:
Assess the Totality of Symptoms + Essence + Keynotes and PQRS (if any) of the case and formulate the indicated remedy.
Totality of symptoms:
(1) Each of the symptoms must be complete with regard to its location, sensation, modality and concomitant (Subrata’s addition : Cause and onset, duration of the suffering and treatments he/she had in the past.)
(2) The symptoms should have a chronological order of development and progression.
(3) Environmental, occupational and other exogenous influences on the case must be evaluated.
(4) Then the background of the case from (a) the past history (with special reference to various forms of suppressions) and (b) the family history (inherited miasmatic influences), must be in the purview.
(5) The qualitative totality of all the symptoms (outwardly reflected picture of the internal essence of the disease) is the sole indication for the choice of the remedy.
i) Acquaintance with the psychic essences and personification of ‘Drug Pictures’ [e.g. Mr. Lycopodiums are teachers, doctors, successful dictators, and politicians; and their personality characteristics reflect they are careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; courteous; contained; avoid risk and commitments – Mr. Safe; Mr. Nux Vomicas are CEO, share brokers, salesman, and their personality characteristics reflect they are ambitious, impatient, arrogant, charismatic, aggressive, independent, confident, courteous, workaholics, perfectionists; Mrs. Pulsatillas are nursery teachers, nurses, caregivers and their personality characteristics reflect they are emotional-tearful, moody, changeable, pleasing, perceptive, affectionate, caring, forsaken, worriers; and Miss Phosphorus’ can be artists, actors, receptionists, maitre d’hotel, politicians, and their personality characteristics reflect they are expressive, emotional, social, artistic, impressionable, gregarious, sympathetic and sensitive. period], with modern interpretations of old proving symptoms.
ii) To ascertain a clearer picture for the constitutional medicine ask about the innate nature of the person, for example ‘Give ten words to describe yourself’ and when patient says I am COMPASSIONATE: – e.g. Arg-nit, Bell, Calc, CalcareaPhos, Carcin, Caust, Coccul, Graphites, Ign, Lach, Nat-c. Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Phos, Pulsatilla, Sulph; DUTIFUL :- Calc, Calc-I, Carcin.,Cocculus, Ignatia, Kali-ars., Kali-c, Kali iod., Lyco, Nat-m, Puls; EASY GOING :- Ars, Calc, Carc, LiliumTig., Lyco, Mag Mur., Nat-m, Nux-v, Phos-ac, Phos, Puls, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Silicea, Sulph, Thuja; FAMILY ORIENTED :- Acet-ac, Anacardium, Ars, Baryta C., Calc, Calc-I, Calc-sil, Carcinocin, Graphites, Hep, Ignatia, Iodium, Kali Br., Kali Nit., Kali phos., Lyco.,Mag Carb., Nat Carb., Nat Mur., Petr, Phos, PhosphorusAc., Puls, Psorinum, Rhus-t, Sulphur etc. These are modern extensions/ interpretations of old proving symptoms and not found in the Repertory books and Subrata has developed an extensive Repertory of Personality Characters.
i) In drug dependent cases placing emphasis on Lesser Known Medicines can succeed when well selected remedies fail. E.g. Franciscea, Ginseng, Pimpenella, Stellaria, Viola etc. to open the steroid dependant arthritic cases with few uncontaminated symptoms and absence of clear modalities can prove beneficial; such lesser known organopathic medicines have the capacity to alleviate symptoms to a certain extent, thereby giving the chance to wean off the conventional medication, and experience shows that after 40-50% weaning off, uncontaminated symptoms of the natural disease surface and give scope for constitutional prescribing.
ii) In drug dependent asthma cases, when the patient is on an inhaler and/or steroids; in such cases it is very difficult to get a clear picture of the case. The artificial chronic disease is superimposed on the original natural disease (Aphorsim 91, Organon), therefore symptoms are contaminated or suppressed and the patient cannot give a clear picture e.g., modalities, etc. In such cases, homoeopathic bronchodilators e.g., Aralia Racemosa, Blatta Orientalis, Aspidosperma, Cassia Sophera, Eriodictyon, Pothos Foetidus etc., can be prescribed on the basis of few available symptoms (according to §173–§178, Ref. Organon of Medicine) and gradually the conventional allopathic bronchodilator is withdrawn. Subrata asks the patient to sip the homoeopathic bronchodilator medicine prescribed on the basis of few available symptoms in those drug-dependant asthma cases, therefore considering the partial symptomatic similarity in accordance with §173–§178. So when the patient is out of breath and in need of conventional bronchodilator, he takes the homoeopathic medicine and tries to defer the conventional medicine as much as s/he can. In this way, a steroid dependent patient who used to take steroid/inhaler 8 hourly can, with the help of homoeopathic medicine now defer the steroids to 12 hourly, then 24 hourly and so on. In this way the conventional medication/inhaler etc is gradually weaned off.

(i) Asthmatic dyspnoea with angina.
(ii) Chest: (a) Oppression, (b) Fullness, (c)Suffocation.
(iii) Anxiety: must have fresh air.
(iv) Cough: (a) Spasmodic, (b) Suffocative, (c) Paroxysmal.
(v) Constriction: (a) Throat, (b) Chest, (c) Larynx.
(vi) Manifestation: (a) Pulsation, (b) Oppression, (c) Constriction.
Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic (+)- Syphilis (+)- Tubercular (+)
Potency of Choice: 1x, 6 C.

A = Asthma with wheezing.
R = Right lung: affected
A = Agg. at 2 A.M.
L = Lying agg.
I = Inspiration is difficult
A = A f.b. (foreign-body) sensation.
(i) Wheezing in throat. Constriction in chest and throat with a sensation of foreign body in the throat.
(ii) Inspiration is difficult than expiration.
(iii) Cough < after lying, < 2 A.M. (iv) Expecto-ration is salty and hot.
Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic(++)- Syphilis (+)- Tubercular (++)
Potency of Choice: Q, 6 C; 1M.

(i) Want of breath during exertion is the guiding symptom.
(ii) Useful in Cardiac asthma.
(iii) It is the Digitalis of the lungs : broncho-dilatation.
Miasmatics: Psoric (++)- Syco(++).
Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C ;1M.

(i) Doctrine of Signature: Cockroach lives in cracks and crevices; in damp shady places, therefore it is a wonderful medicine for Asthma for people who live or work in damp basements, cellars, etc. Aggravation from damp and rainy weather.
(ii) Asthma with bronchitis, especially indicated after Arsenic when this is insufficient.
(iii) Acts best in stout, or corpulent persons. Seem to act on patients who have a tendency to obesity.
(iv) Much pus-like mucus.
(v) After the spasm, for the remaining cough use higher potency, stop with improvement.
Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic (+++).
Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C ; 1M.

(i) Skin diseases (like dandruff, eczema, itching, ringworm etc.) are associated with bronchial troubles.
(ii) More the cough (in asthmatic patients) and the more it is a painful and distressing cough, the better it is indicated.
(iii) Asthmatic symptoms with rattling of mucus in the throat but not much expulsion.
(iv) Aggravates during rainy and winter season,
(v) < later part of the evening and past mid-night, towards early morning, better by sitting up. Note: Cassia sophera is antidoted by smoking or chewing tobacco, so patients, should avoid them during medication.
Miasmatics: Psora (++) -Syco(+++) – Syphilitic
Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C;1M.

(i) Bronchitis followed by tubercular cough. Past history of recurrent bronchitis, pneumonia when the lung vitality is really low and patient coughs and coughs to bring the expectoration; finally when the expectoration comes, s/he feels so much better.
(ii) Profuse nocturnal sweat and spasm > by expectoration.
(iii) Cough after influenza.
Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic(++)- Syphilis (+)- Tubercular (+++)
Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C.

(i) For asthmatic complaints, which are caused and are made worse from inhaling any dust. Allergic broncho-spasm.
(ii) Difficult, troublesome respiration; oppression with perspiration. Anguish with oppression.
(iii) Asthmatic symptoms are better by passing stool.
(iv) Deep acting Syco-Psoric remedy
Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic(++)- Tubercular (+)
Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C ; 1M ( For Allergic Broncho-spasm).

(i) Periodical asthma with nightly dysuria.
(ii) 15 drops doses promotes expectoration in bronchitis and bronchial asthma, in old people.
(iii) Expectoration:- (a) Profuse, (b) Blood stinged.
Miasmatics: Psora (++)-Sycotic(++)- Syphilis (+)- Tubercular (+++).
Potency of Choice: Q, 30 C.

Dispensing of the dose of Homoeopathic broncho-dialators:
When the patient is out of breath and in need of a conventional broncho-dilator, patient can take any of the above homoeopathic medicines (or any other homoeopathic organopathic medicine, in accordance with the few symptomatic similarity) and tries to defer the conventional medicine as much as s/he can. In this way, a steroid dependent patient who used to take steroid/inhaler 8 hourly can, with the help of homoeopathic medicine now defer the steroids to 12 hourly, then 24 hourly and so on. In this way the conventional medication/inhaler is gradually weaned off.
In the same way, for pain killer dependent migraine cases, the artificial chronic disease is superimposed on the original natural disease, therefore symptoms are contaminated or suppressed and the patient cannot give a clear picture for a constitutional medicine. The modalities of the pain are masked. Therefore, the following medicines can be selected on the basis of few available symptoms, e.g., Acetanilidum, Anagyris, Bromium, Chionanthus Virginica, Epiphegus,
Ferrum Pyro-Phosphoricum, Indium, Iris Versicolor, Kalmia Latifolia, Lac Defloratum, Melilotus, Menispernum, Menynanthes, Oleum Animale, Onosmodium, Saponin, Usnea Barbata, Yucca Filamentosa. Accordingly the conventional allopathic painkiller is gradually withdrawn and after approximately 50% weaning off of the conventional medicine, suppressed symptoms surface and now the patient can give much clearer modalities. This will lead to making a change in the plan of treatment and on the basis of `MTEK’ a constitutional prescription can now be made.
Similar example for Drug Dependent Hypertensive cases where the following medicines (Allium Sativa, Crataegus Oxyacantha, Eel Serum, Ergotinum, Lycopus Virginicus, Rauwolfia Serpentina, Spartium Scoparium, Strophanthus Hispidus) are capable of gradually weaning off the conventional medication.
iii) In my experience after the patient has weaned off approximately 50% of the conventional medicine, suppressed symptoms surface and the patient can give much clearer modalities. This will lead to making a change in the plan of treatment and on the basis of `MTEK’ a constitutional prescription can be made. Through this approach, not only does the patient gain immediate confidence that homoeopathy is acting, but has also weaned off the conventional medication to a certain extent.
The patient is often aware of the side effects of the chemicals of the conventional medicine and wants to stop or reduce the dose. Using this method the conventional medicine is gradually reduced. I give full control to the patient who often consults with the conventional medical doctor. Reducing the conventional drugs in this way empowers the patient and gives him confidence in the process. The involvement in this process assists in raising the patient’s energy level. I do not advise exactly how much to wean-off, because that should be guided by the G.P/ Doctor. As I put the control in the hand of the patient, therefore, it is wise to get a disclaimer signed by the patient.
Courtesy: www.kaisrani.com

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies for Woman Emotional Problems

Psychological problems, discomforts, illnesses are on a rise in the present era, particularly in women. Today’s Women have house work as well as jobs to handle. The 21st century woman holds fast to her responsibilities both at home and job front. Balancing her responsibilities as a Mother, a Wife, a Sister, a Daughter, a Daughter-in-law and above all as an office-going employee she has no time for herself. She has no time for herself, no time to relax. This makes the present women more susceptible to emotional problems.

The most common complaints found in clinical practice nowadays, are depression and anxiety but emotional problems such as anger, frustration, loss of self confidence and guilt are also seen. You are more vulnerable to these difficulties, if you have an unsatisfactory upbringing but that does not mean that people with happy childhood do not suffer from emotional stress. Emotional problems are most easily recognized and accepted, when they are precipitated by an obvious event, such as bereavement, job loss or marital break down. For many women, asking for help is often far from easy but it is important not to suppress your feelings because this can pent up trouble for later.

Some women have the extra difficulty of living through a range of emotional pressures that depend to some extent on their hormone levels  They may experience considerable emotional distress as a result of premenstrual syndrome, painful periods, pregnancy, child birth or the menopause. Homeopathy is particularly well suited in relieving emotional problems; symptomatic medicines will help in the minor ups and downs of life while constitutional treatment has a much wider range of action. The more serious emotional problems should only be treated with homeopathy if there is medical supervision. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from a psychiatric illness, you may still suffer from the same emotional problems as everyone else, and you may find that homeopathy will help you through the problems discussed in this article. Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medicines but discuss with your doctor.

Some of the common emotional disorders that we see in our daily practice are:

DEPRESSION:  Depression is a normal response to a sad event or to a series of mishaps. When you experience the symptom of mild depression, such as feeling low, tired irritable or frustrated you can contact your physician. More serious depression is indicated by changes in appetite, loss of libido, sleep disturbance and thoughts of suicide, it can often be helped by constitutional prescribing, but this requires medical supervision.

ANXIETY: Anxiety is a perfectly normal emotion and can range from a feeling of mild unease to that of intense fear. As anxiety is an unpleasant feeling it can have the beneficial effects of stimulating you to avoid or remove the cause. It is only when anxiety disrupts your every day activities that it becomes a problem, then it can take over your thoughts and will often lead to an irrational feeling that some thing bad will happen. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms including palpitations, chest pains muscle tension, digestive upsets, frequency in urination, sweating, blushing, and fatigue. It is important to discuss your symptoms fully with your doctor because so many of these symptoms can also be caused by physical illness.

PANIC ATTACKS: A panic attack is a brief period of intense anxiety in which you feel that you will die or lose your reason. At first these attacks are unpredictable but, eventually they become associated with certain places, such as a crowded bus. The physical symptoms are those of anxiety and may in particular include over breathing (hyper ventilation), which can often be helped by breathing in and out of a paper bag for a few minutes.

POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDERThis type of anxiety occurs either immediately after a frightening event or some months later, such events include natural disasters, serious accidents, rape and other violent attacks. The symptoms include feelings of guilt, dreams or recurring memories of the event and a sense of isolation. Homeopathy is often beneficial for panic attacks and post-traumatic stress because the idea of never having been the same, since an event can be a strong indication for a certain medicine, some of which are discussed in this section.

PHOBIA: The word phobia means fear but it is usually used describe an on going and irrational fear of something , which may be an object , an animal or a situation. It is a very common experience that most people are afraid of spiders or snakes for example and this characteristics can be very useful in determining which constitutional medicine to prescribe. A phobia only becomes a problem when it interferes with normal life, and than it usually needs professional treatments.

EATING DISORDERS: The relationship between women and food is very complex. Eating is no longer a matter of survival but has become a social event, and most meals are prepared by women. A women is expected to be a good cook also to nurture her children by giving them adequate and interesting food as part of being a "good mother". The provision and preparation of food has thus become closely associated with a woman’s feelings about her role in life and how well she is doing. On a personal level women can become obsessed by food. Appetite is normally controlled by feelings of hunger before a meal and satisfaction, afterwards it is there fore a meal and satisfaction afterwards, it is there fore not surprising that women often turn to food, when they are feeling depressed or in need of comfort. Obesity is not just the result of over eating, it can result from too much slimming. It has been recognized that, in some women , severe calorie restriction stimulates the body into becoming very efficient so a return to a normal calorie intake after a period of dieting is accompanied by weight gain. A further complication, in western countries at least, is the social pressure to be thinner than is sensible or healthy. Fortunately the growing awareness of healthy eating is creating a more balanced approach to ‘slimming’ with realistic goals for weight and diets that contain adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins.

ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND BULIMIA NERVOSA: Are eating disorders that are becoming increasingly common. Anorexia nervosa  is a serious disorder much more complicated than a simple loss of appetite and indicates a psychological aversion to food. The disorder usually , but not always , occurs in adolescent girls who fear becoming fat and develop a distorted impression of their own body image. In fact , at the start of the illness, sufferers are often perfectly normal in size and weight. During the illness the menstrual periods often becomes quite irregular and may even stop completely. It is vital that medical advice is sought as early as possible following the onset of the illness. Some people suffering from anorexia nervosa need to be admitted to hospital for treatment. In anorexia there is an over whelming fear of being fat, so food is avoided and there is a serious, sometimes fatal, loss of weight. In bulimia bouts of over eating are followed by self induced vomiting, which is usually done in secret. Although bulimics are often of normal, or near normal, weight, they can endanger their lives by becoming dehydrated , the loss of potassium from their bodies can cause weakness. The diagnosis is some times made by dentists since the repeated vomiting of the acidic stomach contents may damage the teeth. Homeopathic medicines can be useful for eating disorders, but anorexia and bulimia should be treated only under medical supervision.

DRUG DEPENDENCE: A drug is a chemical substance that is known to alter the way the body functions and / or to change the course of a disease. Such substances are present in tea, coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes and are often used to excess by people under stress, recreational drugs are being increasingly used for relaxation, particularly by young people.

DON’T DEPEND ON STIMULANTS, many people looking for ways to ease the stresses of life turn to caffeine, alcohol and sugar, although these way be beneficial in small amounts in greater quantities, taking in too much caffeine from drinks such as coffee or food such as chocolate can make you feel unwell.

CAFFEINE:   found in coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, some pain killing drugs

1.      Reduces fatigue ,aids concentration
2.      May relieve asthma 
3.      Enhances simple pain killers 
4.      Minerals such as manganese and fluoride are also present in tea

1.      Can cause anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness, depression, irritability, and insomnia.
2.      Tremor and palpitations can be side effects.
3.      Can bring on indigestion, diarrhoea, and also raised cholesterol.
4.      Iron and zinc deficiency if tea or coffee are taken with meals.
5.      Can bring on migraines or withdrawal head aches.
6.      Restless legs particularly at night can be a side effects
7.    Can make a baby unsettled if you are breast feeding, self help if you think less caffeine would help you  withdraw gradually to avoid head aches

SUGAR: Although sugar has the reputation of giving you a lift, its action is sedative in the brain, sugar is best taken indirectly as starch, which the body then breaks down into sugar
BENEFITS: Relief of premenstrual syndrome. Regular meals or snacks of starchy foods may benefit many women. Do not take fat and protein at the same time.
ADVERSE EFFECTS: These include poor control of blood sugar and obesity.

Person may feel pathetic, worn out and weepy, reluctant to be in company yet not truly on own, vigorous exercise, especially dancing or aerobics or watching a thunder storm may lead to feeling better, may suffer from a loss of libido and dislike being touched sexually, even if feeling over worked will still refuse offers of help.

Complete and almost total loathing of food and drink tendency to be over weight at the start of the illness. tendency to be sentimental and dislikes being touched may feel peevish sad and weepy -  ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Nervous and anxious people , who are excitable or melancholic and over sensitive to noise —nausea and constantly yawning —a desire for alcohol —ASARUM EUROPUM.

Following a total loss of appetite, lips and tongue become very dry and constipation develops with hard dry stools. Can not bear any disturbance or movements and wants to be left alone, becoming irritable, angry and nervous if disturbed — BRYONIA ALBA.

Anorexia begins after suffering grief , fear or extreme anger. — intolerance of any help or consolation. terrible head aches , which come on during the day and recorde in the early evening — tongue feels numb and tingles — acne and greasy skin — NATRUM MURIATICUM

Anorexia often follows a debilitating illness —may appear pale and grayish and have a poor memory and slow thought processes. -stomach feels full after the smallest amount of food or drink and can become very distended with wind—CARBO VEG.

Any slight appetite disappears on eating the first mouthful of food, especially cold food —tendency to become very apprehensive, weepy and cannot bear to be contradicted, - symptoms are worse between 4 and 8 pm —the illness may follow a fright or anger — LYCOPODIUM.

Total aversion to the sight or smell of food and bright lights  and noise become unbearable. —the illness often comes on after grief — COLCHICUM.

Fear that food is poisonous and becomes very restless anxious and apprehensive , especially at night — dizziness when walking or standing — RHUS TOX

Nausea from the smell of food cooking. — A tendency to faint very easily. very sad and weepy feelings , with indifference to family and friends. but there is a dread of being alone —a continual empty feeling in the stomach which is not relieved by eating - SEPIA

Complete appetite loss with sour belching and great acidity in the stomach — skin is unhealthy with acne and itching, which gets worse when scratched or washed — selfish, irritable and argumentative. — a sensation of weakness that is worst  mid-morning — abdomen is very sensitive to pressure — SULPHUR.

Food is vomited as soon as it reaches stomach. — suitable for tall, slim, sensitive artistic types who are oversensitive to light, noise, smells, and touch — restless and fidgety. - affects tall, usually slim women, the illness often follows grief or an unfortunate love affair, complaints of colicky abdominal pains, when trying to eat — CALCAREA PHOS.
(Courtesy:  Dr. B.S. Suvarna)