Monday, August 29, 2016

کچھ عرصہ اُدھر کی بات ہے کہ ایک تحریر  میں Pre-cancer stage کا ذکر ہوا تھا۔اُسی تناظر میں چند قارئین نے پوچھا ہے کہ  Pre-cancer stage کا   کیسے چل سکتا ہے؟
اگرچہ حتمی طور پر یہ کہنا تو مشکل ہے کہ کچھ خاص نشانیاں کینسر  کا پیش خیمہ ہیں تاہم ایک ہومیوپیتھ کافی حد تک صحیح اندازہ لگا سکتا ہے۔ بے جا نہ ہوگا کہ اگر میں یہاں پر ہومیوپیتھک اور ایلوپیتھک طریقۂ علاج میں ایک اہم ترین فرق نمایاں کردوں۔ایلوپیتھک طریقۂ علاج کا ماڈل ایسا ہے  یا کم از کم اب ایسا بنا دیا گیا ہے کہ مرض کی تشخیص کے لئے ڈاکٹرز کا زیادہ تر انحصار لیبارٹری رپورٹس پر ہی ہوتا ہے۔ اِس لئے اُس نظام میں کسی مرض کا باقاعدہ علاج اُسی وقت ہی شروع ہو سکتا ہے کہ جب وہ مرض عملاً اپنی جگہ بنا لے یعنی لیبارٹری رپورٹس میں اُس کی موجودگی پائی جائے ۔ یہی وجہ ہے ایلوپیتھک نظام میں Pre-cancer stage کی تشخیص اور پھر اُس کا علاج کر کے مرض کو روک لینے یا واپس کر سکنے پر زیادہ غور عملاً نہیں ہوتا۔
اِس کے برعکس ہومیوپیتھک نظام میں چونکہ نہ صرف ہر چھوٹی سے چھوٹی علامت کو اہمیت دی جاتی ہے  بلکہ مریض کے ماضی، موروثی مزاج ، ذہنی و جذباتی رجحانات، خیالات و احساسات، خدشات و خطرات، پسند و ناپسند، پیدائش سے لے کر موجودہ حالات تک کے تمام اہم معاملات کو کیس ہسٹری میں شامل رکھا جاتا ہےسو  اگر مریض اپنے ہومیوپیتھک ڈاکٹر سے جُڑا رہے تو اِس بات کا قوی اِمکان ہے کہ مریض کا مزاج تبدیل کر کے اُس کو مستقبل کی  کسی خطرناک بیماری سے بچایا جا سکے۔ 
یاد رکھئے!  کینسر ہمیشہ Pre cancer State سے جنم لیتا ہےکیونکہ:

 وقت کرتا ہے پرورش برسوں                حادثہ ایک دَم نہیں ہوتا
کچھ علامات  ذیل میں دی جا رہی ہیں کہ  جن کی مدد سے ایک ہومیو پیتھ اندازہ لگا سکتا ہے کہ (خدانخواستہ) مریض کی بیماری کینسر کی جانب رواں دواں تو نہیں ہے۔
  • ایسا سٹیج جہاں دفاعی نظام اس حد تک کمزور ہو جائے کہ وہ بیرونی حملہ آور کا دفاع نہ کر سکے اور درست دوا بھی کام کرنے سے انکار کر دے۔
  • عمر چالیس سال سے اوپر
  • خاندان میں شوگر، ٹی بی ، کینسر یا دو تین مہلک خاندانی بیماریاں پائی جائیں۔
  • سفلس یا گنوریا کی ہسٹری یا بار بار کی ویکسی نیشن۔
  • منہ کا اَلسر جو بار بار ہو اور جس کا مکمل علاج نہ ہو سکے۔
  • بِلاسبب بھوک کی مسلسل کمی ، کمزوری اور پاخانہ کی روٹین میں تبدیلی۔
  • ذرا سی بیماری یا زخم ٹھیک ہونے میں طویل مدت لگ جائے۔
  • جلد پر زرد رنگت کے دھبے۔
  • طویل المدت بخار، خون کی مسلسل کمی۔
  • ڈاکٹر کینٹ نے لکھا ہے اگر کوئی شخص بار بار یہ کہتا پھرے کہ مجھے کینسر ہو جائے گا تو اس بات کو نظرانداز نہ کریں۔
  • چالیس اور پچاس سال کی عمر کے درمیان وزن کا مسلسل کم ہوتے جانا۔
  • قوتِ مدافعت میں کمی، مریض بِلاوجہ تھکن کی شکایت کرتا رہے۔
  •  کسی لوکل آرگن کی Inflamation یا ٹیومر رسولی وغیرہ۔
ہمیں مریض کی Precancer stage کی پہچان ہوگی تو  ہم صحیح دوا کا اِنتخاب کر پائیں گے۔ مندرجہ ذیل ادویہ  کا percancer stage میں اہم رول ہے اور اِن پر ہماری گہری نگاہ ہونی چاہئے۔
تھوجا، لیکیسس، لائیکوپوڈیم، آرسنکم، فاسفورس، سلفر، سلیشیا، آئیوڈیم،کلکیریا اور کالی خاندان کی دوائیں وغیرہ
(افاداتِ ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

پیٹ کے کیڑے اور اُن کا ہومیوپیتھک علاج (حسین قیصرانی)

پیٹ کے کیڑے (چمونے) ایک عام علامت اور بیماری ہے جو کہ خاص طور پر بچوں میں پائی جاتی ہے تاہم بعض اوقات بڑے بھی اِن کا شکار ہوجاتے ہیں۔ اِن کیڑوں کی کئی اقسام ہیں: چمونے، چھوٹے سفید کیڑے، چھوٹے سفید مگر کالے منہ والے کیڑے، تھوڑے سے لمبے کیڑے، زیادہ لمبے (ملہپ) کیڑے اور کدو کیڑا وغیرہ۔Thread Worn, Tap Worm, Round Worm ,Pin worm, Hook Worm ۔
عام طور پر سمجھا یہ جاتا ہے کہ مٹی وغیرہ یا میٹھا کھانے سے پیٹ میں کیڑے ہو جاتے ہیں تاہم برطانیہ اور یورپ کے بعض ہومیوپیتھک ڈاکٹرز اِس سے بالکل مختلف بلکہ متضاد رائے رکھتے ہیں۔ دورانِ تعلیم اِسی موضوع ۔۔ پیٹ کے کیڑے اور اُن کا ہومیوپیتھک علاج ۔۔ پر لندن میں ایک سیمینار میں شرکت کا موقع ملا جس میں یورپ، امریکہ اور برطانیہ کے ہومیوپیتھک ماہرین اور سکالرز نے میٹھا کھانے اور پیٹ کے کیڑوں کے باہمی تعلق پر اپنی تحقیقات پیش کیں۔ اُن میں سے چند ماہرین کا رجحان اِس طرف تھا کہ پیٹ کے کیڑوں کی اکثریت میٹھا کھانے سے بڑھتی نہیں بلکہ مرتی ہے۔ مریض جب میٹھا کھاتے ہیں تو ایسے کیڑے اپنی جان بچانے کے لئے اِدھر اُدھر نکلنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں۔ کیڑوں کی اِس نقل و حرکت سے مریض کی بے چینی اور خارش چونکہ بے حد شدید ہو جاتی ہے سو میٹھا کھانے کی وجہ سے ظاہری علامات کے اِس طرح اچانک بڑھنے کو کیڑوں میں اضافہ سے تعبیر کیا جانے لگا۔ یہ بات ضمناً اِس لئے عرض کردی کہ پاکستان کے ہومیوپیتھک محققین اِس پہلو پر بھی غور کریں۔
قطع نظر اِس کے کہ میٹھا کھانے سے کیڑوں میں اضافہ ہو سکتا ہے یا نہیں؛ یہ دونوں صورتوں میں، بہرحال، اصل سبب نہیں ہے۔ اصل سبب موروثی مزاج ہے اور وہ بھی خاص طور پر ٹی بی یا سرطان (کینسر)۔ اول تو مٹی کھانا یا زیادہ میٹھا کھانا بذاتِ خود غیر فطری علامات و عادات ہیں ۔ اِن کا بھی کوئی نہ کوئی سبب ہوتا ہے۔ مٹی کھانے کا سبب اگر کیلشیم کی کمی کہا جائے تو یہ کمی کیوں؟ بچہ دودھ پیتا ہے اورکئی ایسی چیزیں کھاتا پیتا ہےجن میں کیلشیم موجود ہوتا ہے تو پھر کمی رہ جانے کا جواز کیا رہ جاتا ہے؟ دراصل کیلشیم جذب نہیں ہوتا اور جذب نہ ہونے کی وجہ پھر وہی موروثی مزاج ہے۔ علامات کے مطابق کسی اَور مرض کا علاج کرتے ہوئے ہومیوپیتھک ادویات سورینم یا بسیلینم یا ٹیوبرکولینم دینے سے بہت سے کیڑے پاخانہ کے ساتھ خارج ہوتے مریضوں نے دیکھے ہیں -- اور ایسے مریضوں کا موروثی مزاج یا تو سرطانی تھا یا مدقوق۔
اہم بات سمجھنے کی یہ بھی ہے کہ عام دواؤں سے (چاہے وہ ہومیوپیتھک ہوں یا ایلوپیتھک یا ٹوٹکے وغیرہ) کیڑے نکالنے کا فائدہ زیادہ دیرپا ثابت نہیں ہوتا کیونکہ اِن ادویات سے جسم میں کیڑوں کی افزائش کا ماحول یعنی مریض کا مزاج تبدیل نہیں ہو پاتا۔ ہومیوپیتھک ادویات کلکیریا کارب یا الیو مینا دینے سے بچے مٹی وغیرہ کھانا چھوڑ جاتے ہیں۔ اِن ادویات کی پیٹ کے کیڑوں کے ضمن میں یہ علامات قابلِ غور ہونی چاہئیں کہ کلکیریا کے مریض کا براز ڈھیلا ہوتا ہے اور الیو مینا کے مریض کو ہمیشہ قبض کی شکایت رہتی ہے۔ اِس تشخیص کو پیشِ نظر رکھ کر دوا دینی چاہئے۔
بعض اوقات ان دواؤں ہی سے مزاج بدل جاتے ہیں بشرطیکہ مریض مٹی وغیرہ کھانا چھوڑ دے۔ لیکن اکثر دیکھا گیا ہے کہ کچھ عرصہ بعد مریض پھر سے مٹی کھانے لگتے ہیں۔ ایسی صورت میں مزاج کی تبدیلی کے لئے حسبِ علامت کسی نوزوڈ کی ضرورت لاینفک ہو جاتی ہے۔۔۔ خاص طور پر وہ نوزوڈز جن کا اوپر ذکر کیا گیا ہے۔
ذکر کیڑوں کا ہو رہا تھا مٹی وغیرہ کھانے کی بات بیچ میں آ گئی۔ یہ اچھا ہی ہوا۔ ایسے بچے یا بڑے جو مٹی وغیرہ کھاتے ہیں اگر اُن بچوں کا موروثی مزاج بدل دیا جائے تو وہ مستقبل میں کئی خبیث، موذی اور خطرناک اَمراض سے محفوظ ہو جاتے ہیں۔
پیٹ کے کیڑوں کو خارج کرنے کے لئے عام اِستعمال کی جانے والی اَدویات مندرجہ ذیل ہیں:
سائنا۔ ٹیوکریم ۔ سنٹونن۔ کلکیریا کارب۔ نیٹرم فاس۔ سٹینم۔ کیوپرم آکس نگx ۳
میرے تجربے کے مطابق کیوپرم آکس نگ تمام قسم کے کِرم (کیڑے) ختم کر دیتی ہے۔ نکس وامیکا ۳۰ کے ساتھ باری باری دینے سے کدو کیڑا تک بھی ختم ہوجاتا ہے۔ مگر اگر کیڑے دوبارہ پیدا ہوجائیں تو پھر حسبِ علامت نوزوڈ کا اِستعمال ناگزیر ہو جاتا ہے۔ اِس صورتِ حال میں اپنے اعتماد کے ہومیوپیتھک ڈاکٹر سے مشورہ کریں۔

Friday, August 26, 2016

Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies for Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual cramps / dysmenorrhea / Painful Menstruation / Painful Menses)

Menstrual cramps / dysmenorrhea / Painful Menstruation / Painful Menses affect many women. Some mildly and some more seriously. Homeopathic remedies can help ease the pain of menstrual cramps naturally – and sometimes need to be taken very frequently at first (even as often as every 2-3 minutes) to achieve relief. If this is the case, five tablets or globules of the remedy can be dissolved in one-half glass of water and the water can be sipped, each sip serving as one dose.
Below is a list of remedies that should be considered when looking to relieve the symptoms of menstrual cramps:

Primary Remedies

Symptoms that are very intense and come and go suddenly, accompanied by a feeling of heat, often indicate a need for this remedy. The menstrual flow is typically bright red, profuse, and may have begun too early. Pain and cramping are worse from jarring and from touch, yet applying steady pressure often brings relief. Walking or bending over can make things worse, and sitting may be the most tolerable position. A woman who needs this remedy may feel restless and flushed, with pulsing or pounding sensations, and eyes that are sensitive to light.

This remedy is indicated when the person’s mood and nerves are so sensitive that pains seem almost unbearable. Anger and irritability may be extreme (or pain and cramping may come on after the woman has been angry). The menstrual flow can be heavy, and the blood may look dark or clotted. Pain often extends from the pelvic area into the thighs, and may be worse at night. Heating pads or exposure to wind can aggravate the symptoms. Vigorous walking or moving around in other ways may help relieve the pain.

Cimicifuga (also called Actaea Racemosa)
Cramping and pain that get worse as the flow increases, back and neck pain with muscle tension, and sharp pains like shocks that shoot upward, down the thighs, or across the pelvis, are all indications for this remedy. The woman is likely to be nervous, enthusiastic, and talkative by nature, yet feel pessimistic and fearful when unwell.

This remedy is indicated when a woman has cramping or pressing pain in the pelvic or abdominal region, along with weakness or dizziness. She may be inclined toward headaches or nausea, and parts of her body can feel numb or hollow. Feeling worse from standing up or from any kind of exertion and feeling better from lying down and sleeping are typical. (Cocculus is often indicated when a person has not been sleeping well and then feels weak or ill.)

Magnesia phosphorica
Painful cramps and pain in the pelvic region that are relieved by pressure and warmth often respond to this remedy. Periods may start too early, often with a dark or stringy discharge, and pain is usually worse on the right side of the body. The woman is sensitive and inclined toward “nerve pain” — feeling worse from being cold and also worse at night.

Other Remedies

Women needing this remedy tend to have problems with puffiness and edema during times of menstrual stress, and can feel very awkward and clumsy. Pain may be felt in the pelvic region, often with soreness near the pubic bone. Menstrual flow increases at night (and may even be absent during the day). Diarrhea occurring at the time of the menstrual period is a strong indication for this remedy.

Caulophyllum Thalictroides
This remedy relieves menstrual cramps occurring at the onset of periods, with scanty flow.

This remedy relieves abdominal and menstrual cramps improved by bending over, strong pressure and heat.

This relieves heavy menstruation with many clots, associated with cramps and nausea.

Women who have intense discomfort and tension before the menstrual period begins and feel much better when the flow is established may benefit from this remedy. Symptoms include a bearing-down sensation in the pelvis, flushes of heat, headache, and an inability to tolerate the touch of clothing around the waist or neck. A person who needs this remedy may feel “like a pressure cooker”: intense and passionate, needing an outlet both physically and emotionally.

Lilium tigrinum
Indications for this remedy include great premenstrual irritability (making other people “walk on eggs”) and cramping pain with a bearing-down feeling during periods. The woman may feel as if her uterus is pushing out, and may need to sit a lot or cross her legs. She is likely to feel worse from strong emotions or excitement and be better from fresh air.

Nux vomica
This remedy may be indicated when a woman has irregular menstrual periods with constricting pains that can extend to the rectum or the area above the tailbone. The woman tends to be impatient, irritable, and easily offended. Chilliness and constipation are also common. Mental strain, anger, physical exertion, stimulants, strong foods, and alcohol are likely to make things worse. Warmth and rest often help.

Delayed or suppressed menstrual flow accompanied by nausea or faintness suggests the use of this remedy. Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room make things worse. Cramping pain with a bearing-down feeling, either with scanty flow or thick, dark, clotted discharge, can also occur — symptoms that are changeable often point to Pulsatilla. The woman’s moods are changeable as well, and a desire for attention and sympathy, along with a sensitive (even tearful) emotional state are typical. This remedy is indicated during many conditions involving hormonal changes and is often helpful to girls who have recently started having periods.

This remedy relieves profuse and painful periods with red blood clots, and pain spreading to the root of the thighs.

Indications for this remedy include painful, late, or suppressed menstruation, sometimes with a feeling that the pelvic floor is weak or as if the uterus is sagging. The woman may feel irritable, dragged out, and sad — losing interest temporarily in marital and family interactions, wanting to be left alone. Dampness, perspiring, and doing housework may aggravate the symptoms. Warmth and exercise, especially dancing, often brighten the woman’s outlook and restore some energy.

Veratrum album
Menstrual periods with a very heavy flow and cramping, along with feeling of exhaustion, chilliness, and even vomiting and diarrhea, are indications for this remedy. The periods may start too early and go on too long. Discomfort is often worse at night and also in wet, cold weather. Warm drinks, exercise, or moving the bowels may make things worse. Small meals, cold drinks, and wrapping up in warm clothes or covers will tend to bring relief.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

ہومیوپیتھک ادویات کی اَفادیت: چند اِشارے

۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ہومیوپیتھک کی ایک ایک دوا پر کئی کئی کتابیں لکھی جا سکتی ہیں۔ میں آپ کو آرنیکا کی مثال دیتا ہوں۔ اگرچہ آرنیکا کوئی بہت بڑی دوا نہیں ہے لیکن آپ اس کی Efficacy دیکھیں تو حیران رہ جائیں۔

کہا جاتا ہے چوٹ لگنے پر آرنیکا نمبر ون دوا ہے اور یہ درست بھی ہے۔ آپ Easy and safe delivery میں آرنیکا کا کردار دیکھیں۔ Labour pains شروع ہونے پر حاملہ کو 1M کی ایک خوراک کھلا دیں۔ انشااللہ نارمل ڈیلیوری ہو گی۔ ایک خوراک ڈیلیوری کے بعد دے دیں ہر قسم کی پیچیدگی سے بچ جائیں گے۔

آنندہ زارن ایک مشہور امریکن گائناکالوجسٹ تھی۔ ستمبر 2008 میں روڈ سائیڈ ایکسیڈنٹ میں اس کا انتقال ہو گیا۔ اس کا کہنا تھا کہ اس نے چھ سو سے زیادہ ڈیلیوری کیس اٹینڈ کئے۔ سب میں آرنیکا استعمال کی اور ایک کیس بھی سیزیرین سیکشن کو ریفر نہیں کرنا پڑا۔ جی!  ایک کیس بھی نہیں۔ مریضہ کوسیزیرین سیکشن سے بچا کر آپ نے اس کو مالی نقصان سے بچایا ،نشتر زنی سے بچایا، پیچیدگی سے بچایا اور اپنا ممنون بھی کیا ۔

سنگل ریمیڈی پریکٹس کے فائدے بے شمار ہیں۔ میں آپ کو آرنیکا کی ایک اَور مثال دیتا ہوں۔میرے کلینک کے بالکل ساتھ میٹرنٹی ہسپتال ہے۔ اکثر ایسا ہوتا ہے New Born Babies کا پیشاب رُک جاتا ہے اور یوں ایک ایمرجنسی ڈیکلیر ہو جاتی ہے۔ ایسے موقع پر میں آرنیکا 30 کی ایک خوراک دیتا ہوں اور مسئلہ حل ہو جاتا ہے۔ اس حوالے سے دوسری اہم دوا ایکونائٹ ہے۔آپ کو معلوم ہو گا کئی ڈینٹل سرجن نے اپنے کلینک میں آرنیکا رکھی ہوتی ہے۔ دانت نکالنے سے پہلے اس کی ایک خوراک مریض کو دے دی جاتی ہے۔ ڈیلیوری کے بعدانفیکشن ہو جانے پراکثر ماؤں کو Puerperal fever ہو جاتا ہے  اور زچہ کے حوالے سے It is 6th leading cause of death. پائروجینم 1M کی ایک خوارک ہی ماں کو شفایابی دینے کے لیے کافی ہے۔

صحت مند اور تندرست بچے پیدا کرنے میں تو  ہومیوپیتھی کا کردار مثالی ہے۔ اور میں نے دیکھا ایسے بچوں کا IQ بہت ہوتا ہے۔ آپ ہومیوپیتھی کی ہزاروں دواؤں میں 80 کے قریب بڑی دواؤں کو اچھی طرح سمجھ لیں تو آپ اسی فی صد مریضوں کو ٹھیک کر دیں گے۔اور کیا چاہئے بھلا؟
(افاداتِ ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

َِخراب مدافعتی نظام بھی ڈپریشن کی وجہ ہو سکتا ہے

سائنسدانوں کے اندازوں کے مطابق دنیا بھر میں 35 کروڑ افراد ڈپریشن کے مرض کا شکار ہیں اور اب طبی ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ انھوں نے اس مرض کو سمجھنے اور اس کے علاج کے سلسلے میں ایک اہم دریافت کی ہے۔ ڈپریشن کے مریضوں کا علاج عموماً مسکّن ادویات اور نفسیاتی علاج سے کیا جاتا ہے اور اس سے مریضوں کی اکثریت کو فائدہ بھی ہوتا ہے۔ تاہم کچھ مریض ایسے بھی ہیں جن پر کوئی بھی موجودہ علاج اثر نہیں کرتا اور سائنسدان اب یہ جاننے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں کہ آیا ان کا مدافعتی نظام ہی تو ڈپریشن کی وجہ نہیں بن رہا۔

ڈاکٹروں کا کہنا ہے کہ ڈپریشن کا گہرا تعلق انسانی جسم کے مدافعتی نظام سے ہے اور جن افراد کا دفاعی نظام ہی ان کے دماغ کو بدلنے کی کوشش کرتا ہے وہ بھی ممکنہ طور پر ڈپریشن کا شکار ہو جاتے ہیں۔ ڈپریشن اور انفلیمیشن کا گہرا تعلق ہے۔ اگر آپ کو فلو ہے تو آپ کا مدافعتی نظام ردعمل ظاہر کرتا ہے اور اکثر لوگ اس کا اثر اپنے موڈ میں بھی محسوس کرتے ہیں۔
پروفیسر بلمور اس تحقیق کے روحِ رواں اور برطانیہ کی کیمبرج یونیورسٹی کے سائکیاٹری ڈپارٹمنٹ کے سربراہ پروفیسر ایڈ بلمور نے بی بی سی سے بات کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ توجہ کا مرکز وہ خراب مدافعتی نظام ہے جو جسم میں سوجن پیدا کرتا ہے اور موڈ بدل دیتا ہے۔ ان کے مطابق ’یہ ایسی چیز ہے جس سے ہم سب کا واسطہ پڑتا ہے مثلاً آپ یہ سوچیں کہ آخری بار جب آپ کو نزلہ اور زکام ہوا تو آپ کا موڈ کیسا تھا۔‘ پروفیسر بلمور کا کہنا ہے کہ ’ڈپریشن اور انفلیمیشن کا گہرا تعلق ہے۔ اگر آپ کو فلو ہے تو آپ کا مدافعتی نظام ردعمل ظاہر کرتا ہے اور اکثر لوگ اس کا اثر اپنے موڈ میں بھی محسوس کرتے ہیں۔‘ ہمارے خیال میں مدافعتی نظام وہ کلیدی میکانزم ہے جس کی مدد سے ابتدائی زندگی میں پیش آنے والے واقعات کا دیرپا اثر ہوتا ہے۔
پروفیسر کارمین پریانتے آرتھرائٹس کا علاج کرنے والے ڈاکٹروں نے بھی اس سلسلے میں ایک عجیب تعلق دریافت کیا ہے۔ اس بیماری کی ایک قسم ریوماٹوائیڈ آرتھرائٹس میں انسانی جسم کا مدافعتی نظام اس کے جوڑوں کو نشانہ بناتا ہے اور جب اس کے مریضوں کو ایسی ادویات دی گئیں جس نے ان کے مدافعتی نظام پر اثر کیا تو ان کا موڈ بھی بہتر ہوگیا۔ اس مرض کے ایک معالج پروفیسر ایئن مکائنز کا کہنا ہے کہ ’جب ہم یہ طریقۂ علاج استعمال کرتے ہیں تو ہم مریضوں کا موڈ تیزی سے بحال ہوتے دیکھتے ہیں جبکہ اس کا اثر ان کے اعضا اور جوڑوں پر اتنا نہیں دکھائی دیتا۔‘ ان کے مطابق اس کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ مریض جوڑوں کے درد میں کمی کی وجہ سے بہتر موڈ میں نہیں ہوتے بلکہ اس کی اصل وجہ کچھ اور ہوتی ہے۔
پروفیسر مکائنز کے مطابق ’جب ہم نے ایسے مریضوں کے دماغ کی سکیننگ کی تو معلوم ہوا کہ اس طریقۂ علاج سے ان کے دماغ کے نیورو کیمیکل سرکٹ میں بڑی تبدیلیاں آتی ہیں۔‘ کنگز کالج لندن سے تعلق رکھنے والی بایولوجیکل سائکیاٹری کے پروفیسر کارمین پریانتے کا کہنا ہے کہ انسان کے مدافعتی نظام میں تبدیلیوں کی وجہ اس کی زندگی میں پیش آنے والے پریشان کن واقعات بھی بنتے ہیں جو مستقبل میں ڈپریشن کی وجہ بھی بن سکتے ہیں۔ ان کا کہنا ہے کہ ’ہمارے خیال میں مدافعتی نظام وہ کلیدی میکانزم ہے جس کی مدد سے ابتدائی زندگی میں پیش آنے والے واقعات کا دیرپا اثر ہوتا ہے۔‘ ان کے مطابق ’ہمارے پاس کچھ ڈیٹا ہے جس کے مطابق وہ افراد جن کی ابتدائی زندگی میں ٹراما رہا ہو، اگر وہ کبھی بھی ڈپریشن کا شکار نہیں رہے تو بھی ان میں اس کا خطرہ رہتا ہے۔‘
پروفیسر کارمین پریانتے کے مطابق ’اس تحقیق سے پہلی بار یہ بات ظاہر ہوتی ہے کہ ڈپریشن صرف ایک ذہنی یا دماغی بیماری نہیں بلکہ یہ تو پورے جسم کی بیماری ہے۔‘
(بشکریہ: بی بی سی)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Homeopathic Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections UTI: A Common Problem for Women

Marysia Kratimenos discusses the homeopathic management of urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are very common in adult women and may become recurrent. The most common is cystitis, an infection of the bladder, but infection may occur in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys. Infection is caused by the growth of the gut bacteria within the urinary system, but in many cases bacteria are not found on urine culture, despite obvious symptoms of bladder discomfort. The close proximity of the anus and urethra (opening from the bladder) in women allows for the bacterial movement, especially if there is irritation of the delicate perineal tissues.

Urinary tract infections are rare in boys and men because of the length of the urethra. In most cases there is an underlying cause, usually an obstruction to the normal urine flow, or reflux of urine to the kidney. All cases of proven urinary infection in men and boys must therefore be fully investigated, preferably by a urologist. Recurrent infections in women, more than three within a year, also warrant investigation, although the chances of finding an underlying cause are less likely. Occasionally, kidney stones or bladder warts may present with recurrent bladder infections.

Homeopathy can be used alongside conventional treatment with antibiotics and for cases where no infection is found. It can be very helpful in building up the constitution, thus reducing the risk of recurrence. There are also many other simple measures that can reduce the chances of re-infection.

In all cases of suspected urinary tract infection a detailed history is essential, not least of all to find the appropriate homeopathic remedy. A urine sample should always be sent off for analysis in the laboratory. A preliminary inspection of the urine is very useful. A strong smell, cloudiness or the presence of small amounts of blood are highly suggestive of a bacterial infection, but clear urine does not exclude it. The doctor may use a reagent strip to see if there are any blood or pus cells not visible to the naked eye.

In a simple case of cystitis, when there is no fever or obvious general illness, the GP will usually wait for the results of the urine culture before prescribing antibiotics. As this can take several days, it is well worth trying a homeopathic remedy in the meantime to alleviate the discomfort.

Acute cystitis 
The most common symptoms of a bladder infection are pain on passing urine and frequency of urination, although these are often absent in very young and older people. An uncomplicated case of cystitis will rarely give much more than a mild fever and does not make the person feel terribly unwell.

Pain may be felt in the urethra, as a burning, scalding sensation and/or as a dull ache in the pelvis. If the pain extends to the loins or the temperature is very high, this indicates the infection has possibly ascended to the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and medical intervention must be sought urgently. The passage of blood also warrants prompt medical attention.

Kidney infection may lead to scarring of the kidneys and prompt treatment with antibiotics is imperative. It is perfectly safe to use homeopathy alongside antibiotics.

Non–infective cystitis 
Many women present with symptoms identical to cystitis but urine culture yields no growth of bacteria. Often they do get courses of antibiotics prescribed which do little to help the symptoms. In some cases there is a local cause such as inflammation of the urethra or bladder (chronic interstitial cystitis), or the delicate tissues of the perineum. Herpes infection can lead to cystitis-like symptoms, as can chronic vaginal discharges or irritation. In the vast majority of cases no cause is ever found and the patient is told she has an “irritable bladder”.
Homeopathy can be very helpful in this situation, as treatment is aimed at the whole person rather than the results of a single investigation. Careful dietary management may be indicated as some women do seem to be sensitive to certain acidic foods. A professional homeopath should be consulted.

General management 
Drinking large amounts of clear water is essential. A very minor infection may be cleared by this simple action. Coffee and regular tea often aggravate the symptoms, so should be avoided. Certain herbal teas may be helpful in controlling symptoms and helping to clear minor infections, but are best avoided in pregnancy. Golden seal tea encourages urine flow and is quite palatable.

Changing the acidity of the urine is helpful. Drinking cranberry juice, or taking tablets of cranberry concentrate, make the urine too acidic for the bacteria to thrive. The sachets of powder, available at chemist shops to relieve the symptoms of cystitis, work on the same principle. Some contain large amounts of bicarbonate to make the urine too alkaline for the bacteria to thrive.

It is important to keep the bladder empty, however painful this may be. “Holding on” to urine will only make matters worse and encourage a more serious infection. If one is prone to recurrent infections, it is helpful to “double void”, that is to return to the bathroom about five minutes after passing urine and empty the bladder again. It is often surprising how much urine has been left in the bladder.

In women infection may be precipitated by sexual intercourse, a condition known as “honeymoon cystitis”. It is advisable to empty the bladder after sex to avoid infection. In some cases there is no infection, the urethra is irritated by friction and this can mimic the symptoms. Adequate lubrication and a change in sexual position may often solve this problem.

Some women develop an allergic reaction to the latex of condoms or the spermicide they contain, and this can lead to bladder symptoms. A change of contraception may be indicated if this is the case.
Local vaginal infection with thrush also predisposes to urinary infection. Many women get thrush after a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics are not highly selective, they also eliminate the so-called friendly bacteria, and the normal range of bacteria in the gut is altered. Abnormal bacteria, thrush and other fungi proliferate, leading to a condition known as gut dysbiosis. Abdominal bloating, bowel disturbance and food intolerance may result, as well as recurrent infections in the urinary system. This leads to further antibiotic courses, which derange the bacterial content of the bowel even more. In these cases homeopathy is immensely helpful in breaking the vicious circle.

Acidophilus may be prescribed alongside the remedy to repopulate the bowel with healthy bacteria, as well as remedies and anti-fungals to clear the yeast infection.

Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection, may mimic a urinary tract infection. It is becoming increasingly common in young women and may lead to fertility problems if left untreated. There is often no associated vaginal discharge and so the infection can go unnoticed. A vaginal swab taken at the local genito­urinary clinic can detect chlamydia and other infections, which will require specialised antibiotic therapy.

Local irritation of the perineal tissues predisposes to infection. Bubble baths, harsh soaps and deodorants should all be avoided, as well as thongs and tight trousers. Pure cotton underwear is best, as are stockings rather than tights. It is important to teach girls to wipe their bottoms from front to back after a stool.

Homeopathic remedies
Treatment with homeopathy is in two parts: first to treat the infection, and secondly to improve the general health so as to avert further infections. This deeper treatment is best left to a professional homeopath.

For an acute attack a relatively high potency, 30c, is indicated. It can be repeated every hour, decreasing the frequency of the remedy as the symptoms improve. If there is no improvement after three or four doses, professional homeopathic treatment should be sought.

Arnica montana
Arnica is very useful for cystitis that occurs following bruising injuries of the perineum. It is therefore well indicated for urinary problems following childbirth. There may be trouble emptying the bladder and some involuntary dribbling.

Sepia is immensely useful for recurrent urinary tract infections, especially when there is also a history of lots of antibiotic use and thrush. The woman often loses her libido, because sex is painful and she fears cystitis may result. She is often worn out by the recurrent infections, so exhausted by the struggle to keep going that she cries when expressing herself. Genital herpes may be present.

The symptoms come on very suddenly and without any warning, often after a fright or exposure to cold. Diving into icy water may bring on cystitis. There is a lot of fear and this may lead to retention of urine. There is a sensation of pressure in the bladder and burning before urination.

This remedy is often prescribed constitutionally for shy little girls with a highly emotional and changeable nature. As they do not drink much they are more prone to urinary tract infections. Pulsatilla is often prescribed for older women, who are soft and yielding in character. They are prone to cry whilst relating their story, and evoke sympathy in the listener. The pain is worse when urination is delayed, and after urination. The symptoms are changeable, and the urine tends to spurt out.

The Spanish fly is a urinary tract irritant, well known to the Marquis de Sade and his followers. It produces the most agonising pain before, during and after urination. Each drop of urine feels like scalding acid and it may be easier to pass urine in a hot bath. The surrounding skin may become excoriated, and there may be blood in the urine. The patient is beside herself with pain and avoids drinking so that she won’t have to pass urine.

Nux vomica
There is intense chilliness and the person feels very irritable with the cystitis. There is constant urging and a sense that the bladder is full, although tiny amounts of urine are passed. This remedy is well indicated when frequency is the predominate symptom. A constitutional Nux vomica is the typical Type A personality – driven, ambitious and very competitive, with a short fuse.

“Honeymoon cystitis” frequently responds very well to Staphysagria, as do urinary tract infections that come on after pelvic examination, operation or labour. It is indicated where there is suppressed anger and grief. The anger is hidden, the person appears mild tempered and gentle, yet there is often a history of abuse or deep sorrow. Cystitis occurs after sex and the pain is felt during and after urination.

This remedy is frequently used for infections when the pain comes on after urination. There may be some blood in the urine and severe symptoms of cystitis. It is easier to pass urine whilst standing up and there is a tendency to urinary retention.

Get in touch with our homeopathic doctors to know how homeopathy can cure your UTI problem.

Friday, August 19, 2016

And here comes a Homeopathic treatment of a Pre Diabetic Patient - A case Study

Mr GK - Age 49 - Married since 18 years contacted me in February 2016. Lets have a look on his case:
About One years ago I felt some health problems when I returned back from the Europe after spending more than 10 year over there. Before coming back to Pakistan a homeopath in Paris, France prescribed me Silicia and some other medicines but it did not help significantly. 
In the meantime I went through a complete annual check up and found that my fasting blood sugar level is on abnormal side. It was 119 at that time (about a year ago). Vitamin D was also seriously deficient - 27 only. I did not take any medicine (other than Vitamin D injections orally) but tried to control the matter with exercise, physical activity and food management. After lot of hard work I was able to reduce my weight from 90KG to 82 KG in a year time. Also Fasting Sugar Level decreased from 119 to 117 or so. As per my understanding it is pre-diabetic condition as Fasting Sugar Level on 126 or more is taken as a diabetic condition.
My symptoms before special care were:
  • Excessive thirst and urine passing
  • dryness of mouth
  • Pain in right hand (above elbow area muscles)
  • Backache on lower part in the centre area bone
  • No sex desire at all
  • Laziness
  • Strange feeling on lower side of tongue
  • Itching in the right ear - Actually it keeps on discharging since last 10 years. The itching is felt in the inner area. It gets better after some time and then comes back
  • Gums swelling, bleeding and bad breath
  • Mentally and emotionally disturbed
  • Over Weight (82KG)
  • Family History: No life threatening illness in immediate family (but one of my step uncle was diagnosed a diabetic and then heart patient)
I would request you to guide me:
Whether I should consider myself a Diabetic. If Yes then it is still curable in Homeopathy. In both cases I would like to get treated by Bahria Homeopathic Consultants. Please advise accordingly?

February 15, 2016 - Anaylsis and selection of medicine

Acidum Phosphoricum was the best suitable medicine if we considered the symptoms but I decided to go with Suphur considering that the homeopaths in Paris would have given compounds as it is normal practice in Europe and specially in France. They too much rely upon Mixopathy (mixing homeopathic medicines). Sulphur, in that situation, would open up the case. Mr GK was advised to change life style and manage his food. He was informed that I've not had much success in healing Diabetes as a disease but symptoms could be managed.

March 10, 2016 - Follow up, Feedback and Prescription

Mr GK was happy with the treatment and provided following feedback:
After changing my life style - starting walk, exercise, food management (close to natural food and less in quantity), few of symptoms changed and now these are:
  1. Fasting Sugar level remains around 115
  2. Water in mouth
  3. Sweet taste in mouth (started only three days ago and the feeling is there all the time)
  4. No interest in sex
  5. Sexual power is decreasing
  6. Mentally and emotional satisfied
  7. Pain in right hand (above the elbow area) occurs occasionally
  8. Vitamin D is still deficient
Acidum Phosphoricum was prescribed.

April 05, 2016 - Feedback

  • Overall health is significantly improved
  • The sweet taste and watery mouth problem is almost finished. Very rarely I feel it now.
  • Sex drive is also little bit improved
  • The symptoms related to increase in blood sugar level are no more there
  • The problems related to ears were increased. I can recall that same kind of problems and symptoms were there when this problem started about 10 years ago. Now these problems are decreasing day by day
  • The pain in the back of neck on left side and left shoulder was controlled but has developed it again recently (its fourth day now). It starts increasing in the morning and finishes in the night.
  • Pain in left hand muscles above elbow area was cured and has recently started again with the neck pain.
  • Gum bleeding and bad breathe were increased too much but now 80% controlled.
  • Not went for laboratory tests of blood sugar level and Vitamin D test so have no idea of numbering etc etc.

Psorinum one dose prescribed.

May 13, 2016

I was having a feeling of diziness چکر آنا since few days. It was a kind of wave for one second or so in the start when I moved my body from one side to other during standing. From yesterday, it is increased and with any sudden movement it occurs. Even it happened when I was sleeping and got up last night. I had to sleep again to control myself.
I am also having a feeling of weakness.
My blood sugar level fasting is now decreased from 115 to 106. Itching and discharge from the ear is not there anymore
Psorinum is a deep acting remedy. It seems that medicine is working so wait is the best option in this situation.

June 24, 2016

I got my sugar level checked. Its value for fasting is 104 which is almost normal. My symptoms seems getting better as well. I understand that I should wait and see how it goes. Please advise accordingly.
Advise was that WAIT is always good as we give our body a chance to heal naturally.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Homeopathic Treatment for Typhoid Fever – Step by Step Case Study and Analysis

This case of Mrs QB - age 37 years - was sent to me through one of her family member. She was having low temperature since four days. There was a complaint of abdominal pain as well. Weird feelings on tongue, very difficult to swallow. Urine and stool very smelly. Sleepless and restless at night. No hunger at all.

She suffered from Typhoid twice and was hospitalized for many days. He thinking was that it is also a Typhoid fever and this time she wanted to avoid strong medicines. Her family decided to get homeopathic treatment. They got some medicines from a homeopathic doctor in your area before contacting Bahria HOMEOPATHIC Clinic. They had no idea which medicines were prescribed during last three day's Homeopathic treatment.

March 05, 2015

Baptisia Tinctoria was started. She was advised to go through a Widal Test (Typhoid Fever clinical test).

March 07, 2015

Medical test confirmed that the Widal Test (Typhoid fever) was positive. Following symptoms were reported by the patient:
  1. Night was much restless and sleepless.
  2. In the morning I was feeling so upset with headache and temperature more than 101.
  3. I was feeling vomit again and again then I vomited which was so bad I felt my throat burnt and bitter but after that I felt relaxed.
  4. Now temperature is 100 headache is less.
  5. There is a lot of pain below the shoulders.
  6. I have gastric problem.
  7. But overall feeling a little bit better now. 

March 08, 2015

Aloe Socotorina was prescribed. Suggested liquid diet - Milk, soup, Sagu Dana and yogurt.

March 10, 2015

Following feedback was received from the patient:
  • Now temperature is below than 100.
  • Tongue is much dry rather stiff and white coated.
  • Feeling drowsiness. Night spent with much restlessness.
  • Every after two hours I woke up.
  • Headache is also there.
  • Back pain.
  • Thirst was so much at night.
  • Feeling so much tired.
  • Mouth taste is bitter.
  • I feel pain in ribs and surrounding area while coughing but cough isn't serious.
  • Body is painful sometimes.
No further medicine was prescribed.

March 11, 2015

The patient report was as follows:
  1. Temperature is below 98 though body is much tired and painful
  2. Legs arms back are much painful.
  3. Feeling enough weakness.
  4. I slept 5 hrs continuously at night after many days.
  5. No nausea ... taking milk porridge but not of much quantity.
  6. Overall feeling better.
  7. Alhumdulillah! I'm improving.

March 12, 2015

  • Now temperament is still 98 and it didn't increase since morning.
  • Cough has increased and it pains chest and ribs.
  • Throat is also painful.
  • I am feeling my eyesight blur may be its temporary due to weakness.
  • I didn't pass stool since the day of temperature.
  • I have gastric problem also.
  • Tongue is a little bit white coated.
  • Body pains are less but back pain is still irritating.
  • Thirst is controlled
  • Hunger is better.
She was provided Placebo and advised to take husk as no further medicine was required.

March 13, 2015

Further improvement was reported
I have no temperature. Last night I had so painful cough even committed. Later I took your prescribed medicine and felt better. Although I didn't have a sound sleep at night but it was OK since it was not much restless. Body and back pains are less. Throat is still painful. Mouth taste is sometimes salty and sometimes nothing and I have pain in lower teeth. I don't have urge to speak. Even after a walk to washroom I feel myself weak.
Yesterday I used lemon might be throat is sour due to it. Cough is less. Tongue's back portion is a little bit coated. Head tired and body too.
I have my head totally seizure eyesight blur feeling so bad unable to think and talk properly. Stool isn't passing although I used husk. Throat is painful.

March 14, 2015

She got much better. The very first sentence of her report is most important for her and the Doctor. No need to repeat or prescribe new medicine.
  • I am feeling better - Alhumdulillah.
  • No big issue except weakness.
  • One main problem is mouth taste is salty even when I spit out it seems a lot salt in mouth.
  • I taste much salt in soups and extracts although in real it is quite normal.
  • Throat is painful and cough is also there.

March 15, 2015

Her latest symptoms are:
I have headache and head tired due to which I am unable to do anything. Hunger is better. Mouth taste is less salty but when I spit it is too salty and spit is too sticky. Throat is painful. Noise doesn't sound good to me. Sometimes head feels seizure.
Decided to wait as the process of betterment continues.

March 16, 2015

Today I went on duty. I have shoulders pain and backache. I am also feeling pain in lower abdomen and legs although I had not tough job there. I have pain in teeth when I eat something.
Only Placebo was required. It is an important day as she was able to join her office.

March 17, 2015

The patient's feedback:
Now I have backache and shoulders pain. I am restless to lie on bed but feels tired continuously sitting. I have toothache l while chewing something and teeth are sensitive to cold and specially sweet. (I am not taking anything cold but normal water also feels cold). I still have cough and throat pain.

Analysis of the Treatment

No further medication was required due to following reason:
We need to compare symptoms from few days ago and day by day how things are progressing and also if there is effect of previously taken remedies new remedy would disturb the equilibrium even more. Aloe Socotrina was to establish that.

March 25, 2016

She reported that almost all of her symptoms got better. She was fully satisfied and did not need to go for clinical test.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Homeopathic Treatment for involuntary Urination in old age

Mr JA - age 56 - contacted us in December 2015. He was feeling pale and highly disturbed. His confidence level was shaken and it was difficult for him to explain his case.
  1. His birth, childhood and teen age life was normal, healthy and fit
  2. At the age of 22 he remained hospitalized and too much medication was used
  3. After two months hospitalization it was diagnosed that he had Typhoid but it was disturbed a lot. He got bit better after long treatment but caught by TB. TB course was done and he gradually became healthy. 
  4. He had no family history of Asthma, Cancer, Hearth and Sugar issue.
  5. Two weeks ago he got his sugar checked and it was above 200 Fasting. He started taking basic (allopathic) medicine for it.
  6. His thirst and hunger is normal.
  7. In general he avoids to take medicines. He has normal body - meaning neither bulky nor overweight.
  8. His sleep and over all health / life is normal.

His main and recent issues

About a year ago he felt that all of sudden he lost interest in physical relations. Gradually, he found that there is almost no energy left in him.
He used to have urine uncontrolled drops in the past (two years time period), especially in winter. After using allopathic medicines suggested by Urologists for few months he left those as these were disturbing his stomach and sleep. Some of his friend advised him a homeopathic medicine Sabal 30 which he used for longer period. It helped him a bit. Later he used Belladona 200 one dose daily for about a week and it controlled the problem nicely.
This year, right from the start of winter he developed this problem again. He decided to take Belladona 200 for one week about a month ago but it did not work at all. He started morning walk since a month. Sugar level for fasting is dropped from 200 to 160 now.
Recently he lost control on his urine. It just shoots some time. Few times he found his bed wet at night as he could not control the urine. He avoids going out due to this problem. Due to this problem his worries are increased as his job is on stake.

Treatment Started on December 19, 2015

After taking his case thoroughly, it was decided to wait for time to exhaust the affect Balladona 200 which he took without consulting any professional homeopathic doctor. There is a great book by Dr James Tyler Kent (it is, actually a collection of his lectures) Lectures on Homoepathic Philosophy. His second last lecture (number 36) is on The Second Prescription. Considering his guidance about Second prescription, it was decided to give Placebo to JA instead of any new remedy. LET THE DOSE EXHAUST.

January 15, 2016

After taking the case again (which has not been changed much), Argentum Metallicum was prescribed with a special instruction NOT to take any other homeopathic remedies during this treatment.

February 02, 2016

He was a totally changed person. His confidence was improved significantly. He was fully satisfied with the treatment. His problem to urine was 50% better than before. He informed that there was a serious distress in his life due to which he was high disturbed. He has started managing with it now. He was provided tablets one month.

May 17, 2016

He did not come for 3 months as he thought that he is perfectly fine as far as his involuntary urination was concerned. The issue in the family increased and he got highly distressed and disturbed again. He was highly disappointed with his close family member. His sleep was disturbed too much. Urinary incontinence along with increased sugar level problem had a large impact on quality of his life. Phosphoricum Acidum was prescribed which worked well till June 03, 2016 when he contacted last time.

Homeopathic Treatment of Constipation and Hemorrhoids / Piles / varicose veins / بواسیر

A lady age 30 years working as a programmer in an IT department of multinational company wanted to get homeopthic treatment of her problem. She sent her case through email and her medicines were dispatched as she was not comfortable to visit personally. Following is the summary of her case received by email.
  1. Her childhood and young age remained healthy.
  2. Had constipation and hard stool problem since 5 years or so
  3. Six months ago she noticed blood with stool
  4. Gradually blood with pain and itching started
  5. Since last 4 months she is having بواسیر Piles, severe pain / itching on anus
  6. Feels pain in knee joints specifically when it is bent
  7. Pain in heals - feels it will be broken if touches on ground
  8. Stomach problem - gastric if eaten something different
  9. Likes to have spicy - Mirch Masala - foods but can not take anymore
  10. Due to illness and then deaths in the family, she remained in tension and mentally disturbed during last 6 months but feels normal now.
  11. Overall an active person
  12. Period / cycles fully normal
  13. Doing IT based job so needs to sit continuously for long hours
  14. She has not taken any treatment for her problems except applying some creams and taking stomach related tablets every now and then
  15. She is unmarried and bit over weight
  16. No serious illness was known in the family history

February 07, 2016

She was prescribed Nux Vomica

February 21, 2016

She reported that most of her problems are now significantly better (though still present). Her comments are being reproduced below to understand the matter clearly.
  1. Had constipation and hard stool problem since many years (Better now)
  2. Six months ago she noticed blood with stool (Better now)
  3. Gradually blood with pain and itching started (No blood but itching still there. Sometimes it is unbearable and hard to sleep at night. Due to itching wart and swelling starts which is the main issue)
  4. Since last 4 months she has Piles, sever pain / itching on anus (Sever pain and itching is not improved though slightly better)
  5. Feels pain in knee joints specifically when bends it (Much Better now)
  6. Pain in heals like knee will be broken if touches on ground (Much Better now)
  7. Stomach problem gastric if eaten something different (Much Better now)
She was asked whether the hemorrhoids always itchy at night? She confirmed by replying "Yes sir, mostly (95%) at nights".

February 25, 2016

She was given Mercurius Solubilis and was advised NOT to eat Spicy Foods.

March 15, 2016 and April 10, 2016

She reported that almost all of her problems are under control. Emotionally and physically much better now.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

10 Most Common Homeopathic Medicines

If you wish to experiment with homeopathic medicines, here are 10 medicines that are used for common ailments.

These medicines should be taken in the 6th or 30th potency. Generally, if there is minor pain or discomfort, you should take the medicine three times a day, stopping once health has been restored. If there is more severe the pain, you can consider taking the medicine every one to three hours, decreasing the doses as symptoms are reduced. If you do not observe some improvement after twenty four hours in an acute condition, the medicine is probably not the correct one. If symptoms persist, consider another medicine or seek professional homeopathic care.

It is generally recommended that people treat themselves for non-threatening acute conditions only and obtain professional care for chronic or potential dangerous health conditions.

Allium cepa (onion): Because it is known to cause tearing of the eyes and dripping of the nose, it is a frequent remedy for the common cold and hay fever, especially when there is a thin, watery, and burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils. Typically, the person's symptoms are worse in a warm room and are relieved in a cool room or in the open air.

Arnica (mountain daisy): This is the #1 remedy in sports medicine and first aid. It is used for shock and trauma from injury. It also helps to reduce pain from injury and to speed the healing process. Whether you're into competitive sports or exercise regularly or if you simply don't like to feel the pain of an injury, Arnica is the place to start.

Chamomilla (chamomille): Many parents owe their sleep to homeopathy, not because it helps them directly, but because it is so good for their infant. Chamomilla is THE remedy for the irritable infant, especially from teething or colic. The infant cries incessantly, and nothing seems to provide any relief, except carrying them, and even then, the crying begins recurs as soon as the parent puts the child down.

Hypericum (St. John's wort): This remedy is the first medicine to consider for injuries to the nerves or to parts of the body rich with them, including the fingers, toes, and back. Any injury with shooting pains should be given this remedy.

Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean): One day this remedy will be used by the majority of psychiatrists. It is one of the leading homeopathic medicines for acute grief, anxiety, and depression, especially after a death or separation from a loved one. The person sighs frequently, has a lump in the throat, and may tremble.

Magnesia phosphorica (phosphate of magnesia): This is the most effective remedy for cramps, including menstrual cramps. It has helped prevent many women turn from Dr. Jekkyl into Ms. Hyde as a result of menstrual cramps. It is particularly indicated when a woman's cramps cause her to bend over and when they experience some relief from warm applications.

Nux vomica (poison nut): This is the premier medicine for ailments exacerbated by conventional or recreational drugs. It is also a common remedy for treating symptoms of overeating or from drinking too much alcohol. Considering how many people have these vices, this is an all too frequent medicine today.

Pulsatilla (windflower): Perhaps the most commommon remedy given to both children and women, this medicine is not indicated for a specific disease but for a specific pattern of physical symptoms and psychological characteristics. Physically, these people are warm-blooded: they wear less clothes than others, prefer open air, and don't feel as well in the heat. Psychologically, they are a gentle, mind, and yielding person, with a quickly changing emotional state and a strong tendency to want to please others.

Rhus tox (poison ivy): This medicine is the most common remedy for sprains and strains. It is especially indicated when a person experiences a "rusty gate" syndrome, that is, pain on initial motion which is reduced the more the person continues to move. It is also often given to people with the flu or arthritis who experience this similar rusty gate syndrome.
Dana Ullman MPH

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Dr. C. G. Raue discusses Panaritium and presents important remedies with keynotes

It is an inflammation of the thumb or of one of the fingers, which terminates in suppuration. There are two distinct varieties of this inflammation, a superficial and a deep-seated one.  The superficial form, Whitlow, Run-Around, is generally seated immediately around and beneath the nail, commencing either at the side of the finger, upon its dorsal surface, or at its extremity.  Without much, if any swelling, the part is of a dusky reddish aspect, tender on pressure, and exquisitely painful, throbbing violently and incessantly, and causing more or less constitutional disorder. Two or three days after these phenomena present themselves, matter is observed beneath the epidermis, which is elevated into a yellowish vesicle at the side and ‘root of the nail. In many cases pus is also situated beneath the nail, especially at its posterior extremity, and sometimes, again, it is found chiefly, if not exclusively, in the cellular substance, immediately beneath the true skin. The inflammation generally extends some distance up the finger, and occasionally even over a considerable portion of the hand, which may be considerably swollen, stiff and painful. Not infrequently a reddish line, indicating the course of an absorbent vessel, is seen running along the limb, as high up, perhaps, as the axilla.

In the deep-seated variety, Felon, the inflammation involves all or nearly all the structures of the finger, and is frequently followed by the destruction of one or more of the phalanges. The pain is of extraordinary severity, depriving the patient of sleep for days and nights together, throbbing, tensive and diffused, often extending as high as the elbow, and even to the shoulder, steady and persistent, but greatly aggravated by a depending position, and only subsiding with evacuation of the inflammatory deposits, or the death of the parts. The swelling also is great, sometimes enormous, involving both finger, hand and wrist. The skin is red and edematous, puffy, erysipelatous in aspect, and the whole limb is often stiff and useless. In consequence of the inflammatory action, pus forms deep among the tissues, in the connecting cellular substance, within the sheaths of the tendons, and beneath the periosteum and spreading in all directions, causes extensive destruction, burrowing along the finger and hand.

In neglected cases even gangrene may occur, followed by sloughing of the tendons, and exfoliation of the phalanges. This grave form is always attended with well-marked constitutional disturbance. The patient, tortured with pain, is feverish and unable to sleep, his appetite is lost, his head, back, and limbs ache, the face is flushed, and the pulse is strong, hard and frequent. In some cases delirium is present.


Ammonium carb. –  I have seen the nightly pain which had deprived the patient of sleep for several nights, relieved in a few hours, and the morbid process staid at the same time by one or two doses of Ammonium carb.
Anthracinum – Where there is sloughing, with terrible burning, and when Arsen. gives no relief.
Apis  –  According to Wolf, a specific, especially after the abuse of Sulphur. The characteristic pain is burning-stinging.
Arsenicum – When the sore assumes a gangrenous aspect, burning like fire, with anxious restlessness. Worse about midnight.
Bryonia – In the commencement, where there is a gastric-rheumatic disposition, white or yellowish-coated tongue, dry feeling in the mouth, without thirst, or great thirst, bitter taste in the mouth, dry, hard stool, as if burnt.
Causticum – Recommended by Goullon, to be used externally and internally.
Graphites – According to Kreussler, superficial inflammation about the root of the nail, with burning and throbbing pain, and subsequent inflammation and proud flesh.
Hepar  – Violent, throbbing, “gathering” pain. It accelerates suppuration.
Lachesis – According to Hering, in severe cases, where the inflamed portion assumes a purplish hue, or becomes gangrenous.
Ledum – When the whitlow is the consequence of the prick of a needle, a splinter, etc.
Lycopodium – When there are the following constitutional disturbances : frequent belching, bloatedness of the region of the stomach and belly, pressure and heaviness, and sometimes throbbing in the precordial region, burning in the stomach and esophagus, nausea, sensation of twisting, crawling and emptiness in the stomach, accompanied by frequent yawning, congestion to the head, cold feet, dry stool, red, burning urine, mental irritability.
Malandrinum – Suppuration of all the fingers and toe-nails. (Straube.)
Mercurius – When the inflammation extends to the sheaths of the tendons and ligaments of the joints, and in superficial whitlows.
Natrum sulph  – suppuration at the root of the nail, with deep-red swelling of the whole phalanx, and great painfulness; the patient looks sickly and pale, feels weary and dull in the head, especially in the morning, has no appetite, and is chilly and feverish in the evening. The pain is easier out-of-doors than indoors. Prominent causes: damp region, damp walls.
Rhus tox. – Where there are rheumatic pains in the limbs, worse during rest and on beginning to move, sensation in the limbs as of going to sleep, and formication, tired feeling, and sweating from any little exertion, erysipelatous redness of the in- flamed part.
Sanguinaria – Suppuration of the roots of all the finger-nails.
Silica – Deep-seated inflammation, affection of the bone, proud flesh, terrible pain, worse in bed, very important after Hepar.
Stramonium – It is most important when the pain is almost unbearable, driving to despair. It ameliorates it at once, and hastens benign suppuration.
Sulphur – According to Wolf, when Apis is not sufficient on account of latent psora.

Excerpted from: Special Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Hints – C. G. Raue, MD (1882)