Monday, April 18, 2016

Periodical Headaches (Weekly) and its Homeopathic Treatment - Kent

Weekly Headache

Periodical conditions often trouble a young prescriber and sometimes an old man. A physician once brought me his patient who was suffering from periodical congestive headaches which came on every seven days. Many remedies had been given but no change had been made in the cases. The rubric in the repertory that had been consulted was "weekly headaches". The patient was then more carefully examined and it was found that regularly Sunday evening and night he suffered from this headache. The modalities were confusing and contradictory but after a questioning as to what he was in the habit of eating on Sunday that he did not eat at other times it was found that he ate plentifully of " roast of beef" for his midday meal and at no other time. It was soon seen to be not a periodical headache, but one that came after eating beef.

STAPHYSAGRIA covered all his symptoms and cured.


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